Ordering of chats seems weird

I’m talking about this website. I find the way that chat responses are indented and ordered bizarre. Three are a couple chats that I’d like get involved in but they are well established and I’m never quite sure who has responded to what and I find it hard to know where to post - to which reply. I can see the indentation and time of post but the ordering seems weird. There is no flow. Anyone else? Mods, can this be changed, perhaps in a setting somewhere in my profile?

  • I must admit that when the default was changed to display replies from newest to oldest, it took me a while to get used to it. It's been a while since I last used Facebook, but as I recall if there were replies within replies, one would need to click on a + symbol to read them. If the NAS were to implement something like that on the forum discussions, I feel it might help to alleviate the confusion that some members experience.

  • I must admit that when the default was changed to display replies from newest to oldest, it took me a while to get used to it. It's been a while since I last used Facebook, but as I recall if there were replies within replies, one would need to click on a + symbol to read them. If the NAS were to implement something like that on the forum discussions, I feel it might help to alleviate the confusion that some members experience.

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