Supreme glorious leader needed.

I watched a documentary on north korea a decade or two ago, and was struck by their weird way of life.

Their women, in addition to having to play tradwife roles ALSO have to have the state propaganda running on a speaker in the kitchen!!

Appaerently (and it was the BBC so it could be true!) all able bodied people are forced to leave their houses and do pyhsical jerks of some sort in the street! 

As far as I could gather the people don't specially resent this, any more than we resent our govenment getting us into a shooting war with Russia, and they just focus on getting on with their lives and staying out of trouble. 

BUT being made to excercise together and being constantly told that they are a unique and special people, did seem to make them like their supreme leader adn get along with each other...

If I can find it on youtube I'll link it, it was intersting. 

IF you elect me to be supreme leader in addition to making us all do some excercise together before I get deposed (or excuse myself) I'll also be keen on promoting government standard canteen food installations so that lazy buggers like myself can just go and eat as cheaply and nutritionally as possible without having to wash our own dishes.

In betwen getting my head down and scarfing my food, I enjoy pausing to look around at my fellow diners, and yes if they are loud and carefree, listen to their chat and see how they are. Providing you don't stare or join in their chat, it seems to be acceptable social behaviour.

I was wondering if other autists enjoy eating in canteens despite the people-iness?

Sadly I am informed their Glorious Leader does not provide much in the way of food, just martial music and excercise.  (And production of an indegenous two stage thermonuclear warhead which has been tested and works well apparently) 

  • Well obviously, thats why I'm a natural for the role, I wish to elevate all species to the levels of catness required to be truely civilised. Those who can' tor won't elevate themselves will be forever doomed to be staff for the rest of us!

  • You can indeed WISH for equality among species.

    I am however reliably informed that the cat species is having none of ithat, thank you very much.

    The very idea! 

  • Can I apply for the job of Glorious and Supreme Leader? What are the job specs?

    I can multi task


    bang heads together,

    I have a very diplomatic Umm

    I wish for equality among species

    I'm good at delegating and I don't micromanage.

    I think many issue can be sorted out by sitting around the kitchen table with a cuppa and biscuits and talking normally.

  • That's a sanitsed version of what is actually occurring, the headline I read was "Kim Jong literally sh**s on South Korea". I i wll admit I didn't give the story much attention after the first few frames.

    I will admit, when I smoke a strain that confers the transitory gift of "megalomania" I do like to imagine myself as a benevolent dictator doing that pose they do where they put out one had as if to say, "See what I have given you and what you have accomplished with it" but then of course my own personsonal belief system kicks in and I realise that is God's job. My role is more to try and actually do some "accomplishing".

    On a side note, I did actually do some "accomplishing" I lead a small amateur team (by agreement) for ten years, keeping them working and improving the general safety of the thing and offering "support". In due course they "Produced" a partial proof of the concept machine, on an entriely self funded basis. We'd love to give it to the nation, and supply all the information that a team might need to see if the intended power production side of it can be done, as well as simply making helium.

    I didn't turn out to be a glorious leader, and after ten years or so under my stewardship although THEY got it partially working, I accomplished NOTHING in terms of finding them some funding and facilities. You cannot in all conscience attempt to make a 20KW experiemental nuclear fusion electrical power production device in your shed, let alone your KITCHEN. Our chief designer did exactly that and the police (Kinda righty) took his set of the apparatus away.

    Although I want out of it, and to not remain in communication with the others any longer,that I need, I consider myself lucky to have been involved, 'cos they actually seem to be able to make helium out of deuterium on the tabe top for only a couple of hudred grand rather then the millions others need to be unable to do that. And it was real, I still have a sample of the gas they made.

  • Damn those Americans and Russians, thinking that it would be funny to divide the peninsula in two.

  • North Korea, send up ballons of rubbish and dump them in South Korea!

    I would hate to have to eat in a canteen, I'd probably be ill as my dietry needs wouldn't be met, but then I'd probably have been dragged off and shot or "reeducated" or something, for not being able to eat certain things.

  • thats because politicians do it as a career... when you get people doing it for a career they are doing it for personal wealth and growth and money.... greed basically... and greed makes for the worst of humans.

    if we made our system so politicians are voluntary then youd likely get better leaders that care and do it for the betterment of all people as they clearly wont do it for themselves if you removed the wages and benefits from them and make it so theres nothing in it for them

  • kinda sounds like slavery.... the employer owns her, pays for her makes decisions for her. tells her how to live, likely expects her in work all the time none stop and never enjoying life.

    it has the advantages that life is easy, paid for, and doesnt require you to stress about how to survive or what to do.... so its kinda like the roman empires normalised slavery in which people actually preferred to be slaves and was afraid of being freemen as they couldnt survive off their own back as a freeman so easy.

  • If we have one government for the whole world, then maybe it would be like you described. Only one thing: it could be good if the govt is wise caring and not cruel. Can you find such politicians? 

  • all able bodied people are forced to leave their houses and do pyhsical jerks of some sort in the street!

    I knew a girl from China, once, a student. She told a similar tale. Mostly her daily fitness was shared every morning with her colleagues. Like everyone else she knew, she had a job for life, her employer paid for everything, including her education. Life decisions she made would be approved by her parents but also by her employer. 

    Every morning she'd go through her exercise routine at the same time, just as she would if she was at work.

    It's a different way to our own. 

  • When I was deeply depressed I told myself: could be worse. I could have been born in North Korea. Thank goodness it’s not the case. In that country the police visits houses and if the portrait of their great leader are covered with dust - the family gets prosecuted. These people only seem to not be resentful. They are kept hungry probably in a purpose (to not have much power to fight back) and to have constant fear. Those who managed to escape tell their horrible stories. Their leader is the only one overweight in that country.