Supreme glorious leader needed.

I watched a documentary on north korea a decade or two ago, and was struck by their weird way of life.

Their women, in addition to having to play tradwife roles ALSO have to have the state propaganda running on a speaker in the kitchen!!

Appaerently (and it was the BBC so it could be true!) all able bodied people are forced to leave their houses and do pyhsical jerks of some sort in the street! 

As far as I could gather the people don't specially resent this, any more than we resent our govenment getting us into a shooting war with Russia, and they just focus on getting on with their lives and staying out of trouble. 

BUT being made to excercise together and being constantly told that they are a unique and special people, did seem to make them like their supreme leader adn get along with each other...

If I can find it on youtube I'll link it, it was intersting. 

IF you elect me to be supreme leader in addition to making us all do some excercise together before I get deposed (or excuse myself) I'll also be keen on promoting government standard canteen food installations so that lazy buggers like myself can just go and eat as cheaply and nutritionally as possible without having to wash our own dishes.

In betwen getting my head down and scarfing my food, I enjoy pausing to look around at my fellow diners, and yes if they are loud and carefree, listen to their chat and see how they are. Providing you don't stare or join in their chat, it seems to be acceptable social behaviour.

I was wondering if other autists enjoy eating in canteens despite the people-iness?

Sadly I am informed their Glorious Leader does not provide much in the way of food, just martial music and excercise.  (And production of an indegenous two stage thermonuclear warhead which has been tested and works well apparently) 

  • The discussion is very interesting and highly relevant in the post-Covid era - we now know, given the harsh truths that have been revealed to us during Covid that the democratic system and democracy itself has for many decades if not centuries, been riddled with deception and corruption of all kinds via infiltration and hijacking by certain fringe corporate and other minority interests, who have intentions that are less than honourable and have nefarious agendas and as a consequence, we see our current situation, where the globalist deep state seek to create “order out of chaos” and impose their version of martial law on their terms only - like everyone else, I used to believe that we could vote the bad leaders out and reform a corrupt system from within, but it quickly dawned on me that we cannot do so because the system is now so corrupt that this is no longer possible and that total dismantling of the current system is the only solution - there is no political solution, only a milltary one - a Millita of real patriots from the milltary (including elite Millitary forces) and ex-milltary, police and ex-police to form one national armed milltary police force, to mount a Milltary coup, install a provisional milltary government, declaring a national state of emergency and imposing martial law on our terms only (not on those of the globalist elites) and keeping this in place for at least the next 30 years, given the severity of the problems that we currently face - if we fail to do this, delaying any longer, the problems will only fester on and far more drastic action will have to be carried out and kept in place for far longer, in order to return society to the way it should be, holding those responsible for our current situation especially civilian politicans and many others accountable and bringing them to milltary justice, in the interests of future generations of our people - one important lesson that I’ve learned during Covid is that at least with an absolute ruler, dictator, martinet or other form of strong leadership government including a military government, this is by far the most transparent form of government where one knows where one stands and such form of government can still be ran according to moral and religious principles 

  • The discussion is very interesting and highly relevant in the post-Covid era - we now know, given the harsh truths that have been revealed to us during Covid that the democratic system and democracy itself has for many decades if not centuries, been riddled with deception and corruption of all kinds via infiltration and hijacking by certain fringe corporate and other minority interests, who have intentions that are less than honourable and have nefarious agendas and as a consequence, we see our current situation, where the globalist deep state seek to create “order out of chaos” and impose their version of martial law on their terms only - like everyone else, I used to believe that we could vote the bad leaders out and reform a corrupt system from within, but it quickly dawned on me that we cannot do so because the system is now so corrupt that this is no longer possible and that total dismantling of the current system is the only solution - there is no political solution, only a milltary one - a Millita of real patriots from the milltary (including elite Millitary forces) and ex-milltary, police and ex-police to form one national armed milltary police force, to mount a Milltary coup, install a provisional milltary government, declaring a national state of emergency and imposing martial law on our terms only (not on those of the globalist elites) and keeping this in place for at least the next 30 years, given the severity of the problems that we currently face - if we fail to do this, delaying any longer, the problems will only fester on and far more drastic action will have to be carried out and kept in place for far longer, in order to return society to the way it should be, holding those responsible for our current situation especially civilian politicans and many others accountable and bringing them to milltary justice, in the interests of future generations of our people - one important lesson that I’ve learned during Covid is that at least with an absolute ruler, dictator, martinet or other form of strong leadership government including a military government, this is by far the most transparent form of government where one knows where one stands and such form of government can still be ran according to moral and religious principles 
