Safety First has failed

This obsession with 'Safe Spaces' has failed our society. Out of it emerged a Militant Nihlism; Hell-Bent on stamping toes.

We need to restore the Position of the Father, in a Family, and the concept of Respect.

When I was younger, I resented being smacked; by my Mum. And became passionate about banning Corporal Punishment. Now, on reflection, I see that it was the best thing to ever happen me. I was supposed to externalise, rather than internalise.

  • I am reminded of a 5 year old boy who was just happliy running across a busy street with traffic and cars everywhere, and a mother having a panic attack trying to catch up to him. She caught him once he was on the other side of the road, and grabbed his hand for safety reasons. He didn't like that she was impeding on his freedom, and she was trying to tell him not to do that ever again, but he was angry, trying to get free from her grip, and he was not listening, and was jumping and waving his arm around, but she did not let go. Of course she didn't want her child to be unhappy by lecturing him, but she also wouldn't have liked seeing her boy get injured by a car either. If children do not listen, they can get injured. 

    I wish that healthy father figures were brought back. There is a balance between nurture and discipline, and a child needs both those things, to be a level-headed adult. I believe that kids need some kind of negative consequences to negative actions, but it doesn't always have to be corporal punishment. Let's say a kid steals things and feels rewarded by it, they'll keep doing it, until there's negative consequences that outweigh that reward. Some Kids might feel great when they bully others, or they'll hit others when they get mad or frustrated, even if no one has ever hit them before. Unless they get enough negative consequences that they stop doing it,  they'll continue to do it. If they keep doing that for many years, and it becomes a pattern, good luck trying to change that once they are adults. Sometimes things can't always just be solved by only hugs and kisses, although I wish things were different.

  • I am reminded of a 5 year old boy who was just happliy running across a busy street with traffic and cars everywhere, and a mother having a panic attack trying to catch up to him. She caught him once he was on the other side of the road, and grabbed his hand for safety reasons. He didn't like that she was impeding on his freedom, and she was trying to tell him not to do that ever again, but he was angry, trying to get free from her grip, and he was not listening, and was jumping and waving his arm around, but she did not let go. Of course she didn't want her child to be unhappy by lecturing him, but she also wouldn't have liked seeing her boy get injured by a car either. If children do not listen, they can get injured. 

    I wish that healthy father figures were brought back. There is a balance between nurture and discipline, and a child needs both those things, to be a level-headed adult. I believe that kids need some kind of negative consequences to negative actions, but it doesn't always have to be corporal punishment. Let's say a kid steals things and feels rewarded by it, they'll keep doing it, until there's negative consequences that outweigh that reward. Some Kids might feel great when they bully others, or they'll hit others when they get mad or frustrated, even if no one has ever hit them before. Unless they get enough negative consequences that they stop doing it,  they'll continue to do it. If they keep doing that for many years, and it becomes a pattern, good luck trying to change that once they are adults. Sometimes things can't always just be solved by only hugs and kisses, although I wish things were different.

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