

For a long time now I’ve been trying meditation to try to lower my anxiety and deal with the effects of ptsd, and also to improve my well being overall. However I have got to the point where I’m beginning to wonder if it can actually help me. I struggle so much to focus and to get my mind to calm and settle. I’m wondering if meditation is particularly difficult for autistic people.

Has anyone on here had much success with meditation? And if so - what kind of meditation practice did you use? I’d really appreciate some advice on this. Part of me feels that I might as well give up with it because all that’s happening now is that I feel like a failure for not benefiting from something that so many other people say is so wonderful. 
Thanks :) 

  • While I like the quiet found in meditative ‘places’ (eg a monastery) I too have never been able to focus and quiet my mind while sitting still. Focusing less on meditation and more on activities that make you feel ‘present’ could help- while I don’t actively ‘meditate’ I do spend a lot of time with horses (who are very good at ‘being present’) and in nature- going on walks is also really good, because I have to use a [reasonably large] proportion of my brainpower just to coordinate my body, the amount I have to ‘quiet down’ is significantly reduced.

  • Hello CM, This is really helpful - thank you. Yes - I think this is a very important thing for me to bear in mind - that there are different routes to a similar result. I do a lot of drawing and I think it’s a bit like what you describe - a mindful activity in a way. I also love walking in nature (particularly in the woods) and that’s very settling to my mind too. You’re right - these are mindfulness and maybe better if my mind is not going to setting on such a still and focussed meditation. 
    i love animals but don’t have a pet as I don’t want to be tied down by the responsibility of having a pet. I think it would be good for me to find a way to have a bit more contact with animals somehow. You are so lucky to spend time with horses - they are so beautiful - such wonderful animals. My dream has always been to live in a home with a field out the back with horses in - they are just so beautiful. 
    thank you for the very helpful suggestions - I really appreciate it! 

  • Hello CM, This is really helpful - thank you. Yes - I think this is a very important thing for me to bear in mind - that there are different routes to a similar result. I do a lot of drawing and I think it’s a bit like what you describe - a mindful activity in a way. I also love walking in nature (particularly in the woods) and that’s very settling to my mind too. You’re right - these are mindfulness and maybe better if my mind is not going to setting on such a still and focussed meditation. 
    i love animals but don’t have a pet as I don’t want to be tied down by the responsibility of having a pet. I think it would be good for me to find a way to have a bit more contact with animals somehow. You are so lucky to spend time with horses - they are so beautiful - such wonderful animals. My dream has always been to live in a home with a field out the back with horses in - they are just so beautiful. 
    thank you for the very helpful suggestions - I really appreciate it! 

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