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White Supremacy Vs White Supremacist

People need to learn the difference between the two terms.

White supremacy is the belief that white people constitute a superior race and should therefore dominate society, typically to the exclusion or detriment of other racial, ethnic, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, physical and mental disability groups.

White supremacist is a person who believes that white people constitute a superior race and should therefore dominate society, typically to the exclusion or detriment of other racial, ethnic, gender, gender identity and sexual orientation, physical and mental disability groups.

So one is an ideology the other is the people who enforce it. The difference is how the word ends if it ends with a y, then the ideology is being talked about, if it ends with ist, then the people who enforce the ideology are being talked about. It’s the same terminology difference as with Christianity and Christian, Christianity is the mythology and Christian is the follower of the mythology.

Using the name of an ideology doesn’t not make BIPOC people racist towards white people. So if anyone thinks that, says more about you than the people using the correct terminology.

  • All you people on both sides of this discussion, just consider this:

    A simple phrase has caused all this trouble. I'll admit I got annoyed seeing it, because it is a crafty and divisive and above all nebulous Idea that is bandied about to cause division.

    NOW. Several people here in this conversation and possibly all of us are completely wrong in our assumptions about the other people.

    But we are all (except any imposters) AUTISTIC in some way. MAYBE we can fidn a way of accepting that oterh people can be woefully "wrong" in some areas, but actually quite wise in others?  

    What I had been led to believe about Autism, in that we are all fairly able to be dispassionate about the hard subjects (I was really told that!) has proven to be laughably untrue...

    I am sure we all as children have met the sort of manipulative person who engineers a conflict between two people just to enjoy the fight? 

    I know I was a multiple victim of such people until I learned to recognise the signs.

    Debbie seems to believe that I am such a person, and if I am going to be honest, there is a provocative streak in some of what I do.

    Rather than enjoying you guys fighting however,  I want more people to wake up and realise that in the world there are people that were not corrected in their childhood and who can manipulate entire societies into doing bad acts, and if such people are allowed to grow too powerful, well they can buy a media company and whisper phrases like "white priviledge" to a vast multitude, unopposed. 

    At least until enough people wake up to how the mass media and other systems of harvesting your quality of life, and replacing it with a "standard of living" really works. 

    Don't get nasty with your fellow autists, it's just like getting nasty with yourself... 

  • who can manipulate entire societies into doing bad acts, and if such people are allowed to grow too powerful, well they can buy a media company and whisper phrases like "white priviledge" to a vast multitude, unopposed. 

    While that is true, I don't think that talking about 'white privilege' is necessarily a form of manipulation. It can be but I would assume (or hope, rather) that majority of people are genuinely trying to raise awareness to a problem they've identified. Whether that problem exists or not is a different issue. But not everything is a form or manipulation, unless everything is manipulation technically....

    Don't get nasty with your fellow autists, it's just like getting nasty with yourself... 

    We are all vastly different so I do not believe it is equivalent to 'getting nasty with yourself', however I do agree that we should be kinder, more respectful, and patient. Regardless of neurotypes. This should be a safe place as well where support is the main priority. A good debate I would like but if we can not handle that then maybe we will all need to just stick with support as there is little available in the 'real world'.

  • We do support mostly. the forum will calm down soon enough.

    A problem that I have had and also others have confided they have too, is that we come here expecting people to have broadly similar traits to ourselves, and it's a shock to the system to find out just how "unique" we all are, in a group where we expected to find an easy welcome.

    This forum is not always a safe space, and on occasion I have found it toxic enough to retreat to my own safe space.

    That's the price I have to pay for sharing it with differently minded people. 

    I've had people here quite cleverly weigh me up from my postings and try and "push my biuttons" a fairly silly activity that telegraphs more about them than it does about me. I have to put up with that ,Ideally and just look for the opportunities to be nice to people when they come up.

    Here is something I've learned from some of the more "difficult" forums:

    If we wait long enough, and do not ostracise each other, every poster in this thread will make a good and decent post that uplifts people instead of what we've all been doing recenlty... We'll probably find some of you have good cat pictures or are good at art, who knows? 

    All these "ism's" are really a very small part of life, and we often seem to give them too much power over us..

  • We do support mostly. the forum will calm down soon enough.

    A problem that I have had and also others have confided they have too, is that we come here expecting people to have broadly similar traits to ourselves, and it's a shock to the system to find out just how "unique" we all are, in a group where we expected to find an easy welcome.

    This forum is not always a safe space, and on occasion I have found it toxic enough to retreat to my own safe space.

    That's the price I have to pay for sharing it with differently minded people. 

    I've had people here quite cleverly weigh me up from my postings and try and "push my biuttons" a fairly silly activity that telegraphs more about them than it does about me. I have to put up with that ,Ideally and just look for the opportunities to be nice to people when they come up.

    Here is something I've learned from some of the more "difficult" forums:

    If we wait long enough, and do not ostracise each other, every poster in this thread will make a good and decent post that uplifts people instead of what we've all been doing recenlty... We'll probably find some of you have good cat pictures or are good at art, who knows? 

    All these "ism's" are really a very small part of life, and we often seem to give them too much power over us..

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