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I Think People On Here Forget I’m From America

In America, you have a lot of things to fear wherever you are in the country, especially if you’re any minority group.

If you are BIPOC, you have a higher chance to be murdered, even by law enforcement. (Sources:, George Floyd and many other black men and women killed or indigenous people that have gone missing.)

Being LGBTQ+ you have a higher chance to be murdered. While there hasn’t been murder by law enforcement, they can be very discriminatory towards LGBTQ+ as well with the most recent being one of them intentionally driving their car into a gay bar and arrests the owner (Source:

Being mentally disabled can get you murdered, even by law enforcement. (Source:

I’m a Hispanic, gay Autistic male, imagine the constant fear that you have to live with, especially in a country where there’s no hate crime laws protecting minority groups with the only exception being places of businesses where they cannot deny you services or a job based on your race, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation or disability.

Does anyone pay attention to the mess that is going on in America? You can’t even go anywhere these days without the possibility of being shot at in a mass shooting. (Source:

When you live in constant fear for your life in a country that has no accountability or care for people’s safety, especially minority groups, due to the whole idea of “free speech”, than maybe people on here would understand why I think and feel the way I do because it’s logical and common sense to look at the mess America is becoming and see how letting hate and discrimination go unchecked ends horribly for people of minority groups because of outdated ideologies, not to mention the country’s entire history since the beginning of its colonization when you look past the whitewashed history that is taught in schools and look at the actual historical facts.

Lot of people don’t know that in America we are taught that taxation without representation is wrong and part of why America left the UK but then they turn around and do the same thing to US territories like Puerto Rico who has no representation in the US government whatsoever and cannot make any decisions without the approval of the US government but yet they are taxed and cannot vote for the president, House Reps or Senators unless they have property in one of the 50 states and are registered there and many cannot afford to do so. 

People can find me offensive or think that minorities should bow to the majority but that only shows how much people don’t look at America and what’s happening there and don’t realize that if it’s happening there it can happen to anyone anywhere. But people can think what they want. It’s whatever.

  • As an American born and raised in Southern New England you are victimizing yourself on things which ARE NOT TRUE. I almost couldn't read through all of this BS.

    Nobody lives in constant fear of their lives in this country!! I live in Rhode Island, literally 90% Hispanic. I was jumped by hispanics TWICE in the last year and I'm white. I am going to have surgery 2 months from now for my broken nose.

    This is utter BS!!! This person makes America out to be Nazi Germany for non-whites. I can tell you with Bidenomics and 10MILLION illegal immigrants in the last 2 years alone, this is utter BS!!

    Puerto Rico is not only protected by the US, this person doesn't even know that they VOTED to NOT be part of the US while they get $5 BILLION in our taxes to protect them from hurricanes.

    You ARE offensive because you are both a LIAR and troublemaker.

    Literally everything written by this person speaks of BOT and NONE of it is true.

    I challenge you to respond to me and I will obliterate your BS! You want to sow discord. What a joy that the first Autistic site I came across living in Providence, Rhode Island, between Boston and NYC, would be someone trying to incite a faux reality of our country to them.

    Just for the record, I DOWN VOTE you even though it can't be done for the first post. You are both a LIAR and a FRAUD!

    I challenge you to PROVE any of your claims as I will disprove them. I've been tracking hurricanes in the Atlantic for 20 years and ran a website to help people in Puerto Rico and ALL the Caribbean.

    Why don't you tell this site about how your Governor destroyed TONS of food and water to disparage our President at the time when WE sent over $2 Billon in taxpayer aid to Puerto Rico when Hurricane Maria stuck as a Cat 5!!!

    We sent our money, YOUR governor didn't give it to the people because she wanted to influence OUR presidential election.

  • I take it that you know what the word 'literally' means, as in your phrase, " I live in Rhode Island, literally 90% Hispanic.".

    I have checked the official population figures for Rhode Island. In 2022, the largest racial or ethnic group in Rhode Island was the white (non-Hispanic) group, which had a population of 764,338. the Hispanic/Latino population numbers 191,980 in 2022.  That is far less than 50%.

    I can only conclude that, while you accuse others of lying, you blatantly lie yourself. I class that as hypocrisy.

  • I live in Central Falls, RI, chief. My apologies, my CITY and Pawtucket, as well as the capitol Providence are 70% Hispanic

    Exactly what is your point? You want to feign statistics with someone that lives in this region? What exactly IS your point? You didn't refute ANY of my points, you did a google search on my region but you don't know the cities.

    You didn't refute my statements, no, you're a foreign troll trying to use wordplay to tell me my reality. Probably grew up in an all white middle class neighborhood. You still haven't answered my statements. Ad-Hominid much?

  • I live in Central Falls, RI, chief. My apologies, my CITY and Pawtucket, as well as the capitol Providence are 70% Hispanic

    You also originally claimed - prior to your above clarification - that Rhode Island was "literally 90% Hispanic". 

    I'll just politely signpost the following info from the 2020 census, which I couldn't help but look up (thanks to my autistic mind):

    Pawtucket, Rhode Island

    24.77% = Hispanic or Latino (of any race),_Rhode_Island#2020_census

    Providence, Rhode Island

    43.5% = Hispanic or Latino (of any race),_Rhode_Island#Demographics

    Central Falls, Rhode Island

    65.32% = Hispanic or Latino (of any race),_Rhode_Island#2020_census

    Rhode Island (overall)

    16.6% = Hispanic or Latino origin

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