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I Think People On Here Forget I’m From America

In America, you have a lot of things to fear wherever you are in the country, especially if you’re any minority group.

If you are BIPOC, you have a higher chance to be murdered, even by law enforcement. (Sources:, George Floyd and many other black men and women killed or indigenous people that have gone missing.)

Being LGBTQ+ you have a higher chance to be murdered. While there hasn’t been murder by law enforcement, they can be very discriminatory towards LGBTQ+ as well with the most recent being one of them intentionally driving their car into a gay bar and arrests the owner (Source:

Being mentally disabled can get you murdered, even by law enforcement. (Source:

I’m a Hispanic, gay Autistic male, imagine the constant fear that you have to live with, especially in a country where there’s no hate crime laws protecting minority groups with the only exception being places of businesses where they cannot deny you services or a job based on your race, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation or disability.

Does anyone pay attention to the mess that is going on in America? You can’t even go anywhere these days without the possibility of being shot at in a mass shooting. (Source:

When you live in constant fear for your life in a country that has no accountability or care for people’s safety, especially minority groups, due to the whole idea of “free speech”, than maybe people on here would understand why I think and feel the way I do because it’s logical and common sense to look at the mess America is becoming and see how letting hate and discrimination go unchecked ends horribly for people of minority groups because of outdated ideologies, not to mention the country’s entire history since the beginning of its colonization when you look past the whitewashed history that is taught in schools and look at the actual historical facts.

Lot of people don’t know that in America we are taught that taxation without representation is wrong and part of why America left the UK but then they turn around and do the same thing to US territories like Puerto Rico who has no representation in the US government whatsoever and cannot make any decisions without the approval of the US government but yet they are taxed and cannot vote for the president, House Reps or Senators unless they have property in one of the 50 states and are registered there and many cannot afford to do so. 

People can find me offensive or think that minorities should bow to the majority but that only shows how much people don’t look at America and what’s happening there and don’t realize that if it’s happening there it can happen to anyone anywhere. But people can think what they want. It’s whatever.

  • Very racist? The guy who was married to a Filipino woman for 10 years and the only other woman any relation got past relationship I.E ENGAGED to was Mexican. Try again. You're fun ;)

    Typical racist come back, this is the same bs as having black friends doesn’t make you racist when you’re being racist towards black people. Can you come up with something more original please besides this tired out old narrative. yawns

  • I love how you skipped over the fact that your country gets BILLIONS in aid from us and military protection. Tell me, would you like to trade that for representation? Because their's a Russian named Putin that would LOVE to take that trade.

    So I'll ask again. FULL military protection with NO DRAFT for YOUR people WITH 5+ BILLION in US money OR lgo back to your Island and let the Russian's take you up the back end!

    You are SUCH A VICTIM!! I am SO SORRY that WE PAY BILLIONS for you and PROTECT you with OUR military. If you don't like it, go talk to the Russian's they have a gulag with your name on it VICTIM!

  • Very racist? The guy who was married to a Filipino woman for 10 years and the only other woman any relation got past relationship I.E ENGAGED to was Mexican. Try again. You're fun ;)

  • I know right! You're a regular victim! You pretend to be Puerto-Rican when it suits and American when it doesn't. Tell me, how many of your family served in the Us military protecting your country (when it's convenient to be part of your country.)

    How is being a permanent victim treating you. If America didn't protect your ancestors with mine before either of us were born, would you like your grandparents to be brought to the Russian gulag's?
    You're so enlightened a modern day professional victim. That's where I recognize you from! Another American pretending they aren't when it serves their victim mentality and when it does out on the streets proudly proclaiming how great you and your little tiny minuscule island really are!

    Man you're tough! I am so scared! One of thousands of little islands have the nerve to tell me "how dare I!"

    Dude I don't know if you're clued into reality but you might want to check our the Tytler cycle of nations as well as the Strauss–Howe generational theory because by both metrics we are entering either a 2nd civil war or a 3rd world war and your BS liberal TRASH isn't going to work when 2/3rds of the nation is ARMED and you AREN'T.

  • "I am a Puerto Rican" also "I am an American ." Pick one buddy. Puerto-Rico recieves BILLIONS in US taxpayer money as well as MILITARY protection so please stop with the BS and decide WHO you are because playing both sides is so last decade.

    You are obviously very racist if you don’t know that Puerto Ricans are Americans because they are US citizens and you think its bs that they are taxed without representation. Is there a House Representative of Puerto Rico in Congress? Is there a Senator of Puerto Rico in Congress? The answer to both of these is no. Anything that has to do with Puerto Rico, included taxes, the government of Puerto Rico has no say in, just the US Congress. That’s the very definition of taxation without representation!

  • Agreed. Love how I’m being accused of not being an American when I have a white American mother and a Puerto Rican father, both of whom are US CITIZENS and I was born at a naval hospital in San Diego, California. Who the heck is anyone to tell me I’m not an American for calling out the blatant hypocrisy and racism by the US government of the taxation of Puerto Rico without representation? None of the Us territories should be taxed without having proper representation in the House and Senate so they can have a voice and a vote. Also, just cause people don’t research how Puerto Rico has to become a state it doesn’t just fall on the majority of the island voting for it, it also falls on the House and Senate.


    Quote: Only Congress can authorize a referendum, as it has supreme power. In other words, neither the results of popular votes, the decisions of the authorities of Puerto Rico, nor the orders of the US executive branch play a key role in granting statehood to the territory.

  • "I am a Puerto Rican" also "I am an American ." Pick one buddy. Puerto-Rico recieves BILLIONS in US taxpayer money as well as MILITARY protection so please stop with the BS and decide WHO you are because playing both sides is so last decade.

    Taxation without representation. What a joke. The Serfs in the Middle Ages were considered slaves and they paid 25%. average American pays 66% and your "Island" would of been conquered by Russia through Cuba if not for the PROTECTION you get from our dying soldiers.

    By all means, I'd LOVE to see your "country" survive without OUR TAXES paying FOR YOUR COUNTRY!!!

    We fight and die in wars, my grandfather ww2, uncle Vietnam, father 4 uncles and step father Airforce and you? Just act like you're a victim of the taxpayers that fight, protect and die for your to act like your little island is taken advantage of?

    Do you live in R-E-A-L-I-T-Y? I don't think so!!

  • Yup you got me! I said DEMOCRACT instead of REPUBLICAN. BTW did ya miss this? Of course because cherry picking mistakes is what you do best right? Not facts, not truth. You don't live in America and most American's don't even pay attention to Puerto-Rico BUT I DO because I track Atlantic hurricanes as good as you cherry pick my responses while ignoring the beast below.

    Excuse me? I am a Puerto Rican, yeah dude you’re just here to spew jibberish and sow discourse. First and foremost I am an American I was born in San Diego, California to a white mother and a Puerto Rican father and I have researched Puerto Rico and nothing I have said is incorrect. Puerto Rico is taxed without representation by the US government, denying this fact doesn’t change anything.

  • Reminder of Rule 5: 

    Be nice to one another and enjoy chatting with others. We encourage conversation and respectful debate; please be aware that individuals may give opinions which are not shared by other members. Insulting posts or comments making personal jibes will not be tolerated.   

  • Another news source:

    Oh look she endorsed trump! Yeah, she sabotaged him. Good grief…

  • Yup you got me! I said DEMOCRACT instead of REPUBLICAN. BTW did ya miss this? Of course because cherry picking mistakes is what you do best right? Not facts, not truth. You don't live in America and most American's don't even pay attention to Puerto-Rico BUT I DO because I track Atlantic hurricanes as good as you cherry pick my responses while ignoring the beast below.

    Is this lack of resolve why a bunch of colonials kicked your butts in a certain war as well? Please tell me about your colonialism, by my records, every one of you liberal Brits owe everything you have to Africa, India and America.

    You're not exactly solidifying your cause here. For the rest of the Brits, we love them. Just not the nuts which appear everywhere especially here.

    "Clearly you are not an American. Our diebold voting system for the 2020 election were created by the CIA to manipulate South American elections. I am clearly more aware of your elections and the fact that the British people voted to BREXIT while your politicians told you to go F yourselves than you are aware that our government literally put in place the very voting machines they used to overthrow democratically elected officials in South America under the rule of a Democrat president names Obama.

    Do you guys all get the news from the big 3 lying news stations about America? I thought Americans were the laughing stock of the world? Apparently they know and I, more than you so what does that say about YOU?"

  • To quote Wikipedia: “A member of the New Progressive Party and Republican Party of Puerto Rico, Vázquez is the second female governor in Puerto Rican history, after Sila María Calderón.” So who’s spreading BS? Not me… I mean seriously if you’re going to spew nonsense make sure people can’t fact check you. Here’s even a news source for you:

    Quote: “Contrary to her predecessor Ricardo Rosselló, Vázquez says she is inclined toward Republican philosophies.” So by her own admission she’s a Republican, not a Democrat.

  • Gov. Wanda Vázquez. DEMOCRAT.

    And here you are spreading misinformation yet again. She was a Democrat but switched parties and is currently a REPUBLICAN.

  • Clearly you are not an American. Our diebold voting system for the 2020 election were created by the CIA to manipulate South American elections. I am clearly more aware of your elections and the fact that the British people voted to BREXIT while your politicians told you to go F yourselves than you are aware that our government literally put in place the very voting machines they used to overthrow democratically elected officials in South America under the rule of a Democrat president names Obama.

    Do you guys all get the news from the big 3 lying news stations about America? I thought Americans were the laughing stock of the world? Apparently they know and I, more than you so what does that say about YOU?

  • I guess if you believe that Puerto Rico not handing out emergency supplies is the most notable case of US election tampering in the last 10 years, there's not much I can say.

    How can a Republican governor sabotage an election for a Republican president? That makes absolutely no sense to sabotage your own party. There was no election tampering by Puerto Rico btw everyone, just so that’s clear, unless Puerto Ricans have property in one of the 50 states of America, any Puerto Rican who lives on the island cannot vote in general or mid term elections. So there’s no way Puerto Rico can tamper with an election. The poor mismanagement of Hurricane Maria played no part in the election outcome and had more to do with the embarrassment of having Donald J. trump as a president making us look like absolute fools to the rest of the world. That is not election tampering, that’s called get a better candidate that isn’t a narcissistic sociopath who wants to be a dictator and destroy the American democracy for the Republican Party.

  • Are you mental? Do you choose to cherry pick unreality? I had to waste 3 minutes of my life to counter your BS? You don't live in my country and you clearly don't know my countries politics so you'll keep going with google search when I just told you, I track Atlantic hurricanes for a living!

    So now that you cherry picked 1 out of 5 links trying desperately like a fish out of water to believe you'll survive your own BS, now I'm going to bury you.

    Gov. Wanda Vázquez. DEMOCRAT.

    Are you A) American? (NO) B) Storm Tracker? (NO) so do yourself a favor and STOP before I really have to dig up everything the American people know and storm chasers like myself knew before they did.

  • Do you have a source for believing the BS of the OP? How about I bring up in the next post everything I said about Hurricane Maria, the governor of Puerto Rico DENYING the people of food and water in order to alter US Presidential elections?

    Just for clarification again, this was a REPUBLICAN governor that did this, NOT A DEMOCRAT governor.

  • Don't cherry pick. If you want this answer answer everything you are countering. First answer the fact that a DEMOCRAT governor of Puerto-Rico denied food and water to over 1 million residents of Puerto-Rico after hurricane Maria as I stated, in order to subjugate a US ELECTION.

    My goodness if Puerto-Rico isn't already part of the US getting $5 BILLION in US TAXPAYER money and trying to starve and kill their own people to change OUR election because a DEMOCRAT governor wanted to sway our elections as a city-state, please by all means tell me Brit who lost to William Wallace and George Washington while colonizing half the world while trying to talk down to the people your people colonized along with the Irish, Scottish,Canadians,Indians and Africans.

    You know so little about so much, I am flabbergasted at your inability to speak the truth!

  • Free of charge. Don't cherry pick, the DEOMOCRAT governor of Puerto-Rico HID food and water from the PEOPLE to deny a US election in favor of a REPUBLICAN!! I guess they'll sacrifice their own people for the DEMONCRATS!

    And yet the governer mentioned in the articles you posted, Wanda Vázquez Garced, was a Republican.

    So a Republican govener tried to sabotage a Republican president… okay then…


  • I asked for the source for your statehood claim because it was easy to find reporting on those supplies (although no one seems to know for sure why or how it happened). But the only votes about them becoming a state recently were 3 all in favour (with two big asterisks because of the way they were posed).

    I guess if you believe that Puerto Rico not handing out emergency supplies is the most notable case of US election tampering in the last 10 years, there's not much I can say.