It makes no sense!

There are lots of things in the NT world that to me make no sense, like swearing, why is it bad? Why do people say that people who swear have poor language skillsWhy am I being difficult because I don't like Chinese food?

IN general why do people think that I dont' mean what I say and have to challenge me ridiculous stuff, like what to plant in my garden, I know what will and won't grow in it.

Why is it seen as respectful to drive at 40mph on a motorway when it's a hearse being driven, or just drive really slowly on a normal road?

  • I have to ask because these types of questions perplex me.

    Why do  you believe that the examples you have listed are all neurotypical (I assume this is what you mean by NT world?).

    How do you know that when these conventions were developing, neurodivergent people weren't involved?

    The world is made up of all sorts of people, not just NTs.

    I'm assuming though that the people who are discussing your garden + your food taste with you are known by you to be NTs (so you must know them very well).

  • Just a thought that maybe  is asking these questions as we are more likely to question these conventions than neurotypical people?

  • Thanks AA that was exactly what I was meaning.

    Debbie, I do know the people fairly well and well enough for them to know my dietry tastes and needs.

    All transport was horse drawn at one stage, hearses no exception, but why is it disrespectful?

    Why does 2+2=4?

    Why when I ask to try on a shoe in a size 8, does the assistant come back with a size 5 and ask me if I'd like to try it?

    Why are bodies meant to be contorted to fit clothes rather than clothes made to fit bodies?

    Why are womens trousers so short in the legs? People and women are getting taller not shorter clothing manufacturers seem to be trying to put the genie back in the bottle but insisting that a normal leg length is 27" and 31 is extra long when they're still to short for me?

  • Thanks AA that was exactly what I was meaning.

    Debbie, I do know the people fairly well and well enough for them to know my dietry tastes and needs.

    All transport was horse drawn at one stage, hearses no exception, but why is it disrespectful?

    Why does 2+2=4?

    Why when I ask to try on a shoe in a size 8, does the assistant come back with a size 5 and ask me if I'd like to try it?

    Why are bodies meant to be contorted to fit clothes rather than clothes made to fit bodies?

    Why are womens trousers so short in the legs? People and women are getting taller not shorter clothing manufacturers seem to be trying to put the genie back in the bottle but insisting that a normal leg length is 27" and 31 is extra long when they're still to short for me?
