Newly diagnosed, who do I tell

I’ve just found out today I’m autistic,

I’m a 40 year old male and I don’t know who to tell other than my wife and children. 
do I keep this to myself or let the world know

  • Welcome aboard, 

    I'm 9 years older (49, 50 later this year) and was diagnosed in Feb, so far I've not told many people. 3 very close friends of ours,  My direct boss and one colleague I work close with, my parents and my wife/kids. I've pretty much known myself for years and it turned out some I've told weren't shocked either, while others seem oblivious, probably due to how well I mask, but won't realise how hard that is on me.

    I feel like I want to tell the world some days, so everyone knows how hard my days can be, while other days I want it hidden. So I'm taking my time. That's the best advice I think, take your time and tell people as and when you feel you want or need to.

    Most important thing is to take care of yourself, don't be disheartened. Don't be too hard on others, everyone is unique and has their issues and differences, some people will want to help but won't know how.

  • Welcome aboard, 

    I'm 9 years older (49, 50 later this year) and was diagnosed in Feb, so far I've not told many people. 3 very close friends of ours,  My direct boss and one colleague I work close with, my parents and my wife/kids. I've pretty much known myself for years and it turned out some I've told weren't shocked either, while others seem oblivious, probably due to how well I mask, but won't realise how hard that is on me.

    I feel like I want to tell the world some days, so everyone knows how hard my days can be, while other days I want it hidden. So I'm taking my time. That's the best advice I think, take your time and tell people as and when you feel you want or need to.

    Most important thing is to take care of yourself, don't be disheartened. Don't be too hard on others, everyone is unique and has their issues and differences, some people will want to help but won't know how.

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