ASD Discords are priceless if you wanna a cheap laugh

I was reading through an ASD themed Discord, I usually read only without posting (you will understand why).

Somebody wrote: "I was checked for ASD but the results were non-inclusive". I replied: "Mate, it's non conclusive, not non-inclusive".

Twenty seconds later, I was banned because: "Correcting somebody is invalidating and triggering. BANNED!"

I laughed it off, and left.

Power corrupts, even that minuscule amount of power that comes from being a mod! There are few things in the world that I respect less than a Reddit/Discord mod.

  • I'm banned for life from both Facebook and Twitter / X.

    Facebook because, for reasons beyond my understanding, the word "Concrete" caused this. You now know as much as I do.

    Twitter because I commentated a fight.

    Funny ole world.

  • I'm banned for life from both Facebook and Twitter / X.

    Facebook because, for reasons beyond my understanding, the word "Concrete" caused this. You now know as much as I do.

    Twitter because I commentated a fight.

    Funny ole world.

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