Trainspotting & other special interests

Choose life. Choose parodies. Choose to make a YouTube video about special interests and why they’re important.[edited by moderator]

I used to think that having a set of intense interests was universal, but apparently not. In the past couple of years, I’ve realised that such interests are especially important for autistic people. Why wouldn’t you want to spend time doing, and thinking about, things you enjoy? But I think having special interests goes beyond mere hedonism – they can be vital for survival in a world not designed for us.

What are your special interests?

  • My special interest is English, so a lot of my hyperfixations come from books. My username actually came from a hyperfixation on Wings of Fire!

  • My special interest is books and reading. For as long as I can remember I've loved books. I like the feel of them in my hands, their history, devouring a story... I love they can be collected and sorted. I love everything about books and I own a LOT of books.

    they can be vital for survival in a world not designed for us.


    Growing up I was bullied and completely isolated because people didn't want to get to know me, they thought I was weird and not worth knowing.

    I always had books to turn to, and music (another of my special interests!) and both gave me the escape I needed in my life and brought me all the enjoyment I needed to keep me sane and wanting to continue.

    Without my books and music I wouldn't have got through my times at school, or when my sister died.

  • That's what I'm missing, I crave the hobbies, but am scared of where they take me....

  • I understand that becoming too obsessed in an interest can be detrimental to 'real life', but my special interests help me deal with the anxiety caused by real life.

  • It worked for me when I clicked on the link just now.

  • As far as my autism goes they're my worst "symptom "Ive had a few over the years , most recent were mountain biking, guitar playing and fishing. Currently I'm doing none of these as they all become unbearable obsessions.

    I spend all my time thinking about them, planning them, buying things, researching and worse of all in terms of impact to my family is doing them and talking about them.

    Get dangerous with work too, if I go at lunchtime for example I'll get so consumed I can't leave to come home. While working I'll get distracted and be off focused on them.

    I'll also go do these things when I really don't want to, I just feel I must so I pretty much kidnap myself and go.

    Then sometimes I drop them like a stone as if I were never interested.

    I'm planning on working on this and finding a way to have spins without them going obsessive.

    Please tell me someone else has had this issue, even just one, so it isn't just me :)