Poetry Cafe- Telling my class about my autism

We had a Poetry Cafe for the whole grade about a month ago. Everyone said 2-3 poems and ate food. One of the poems that I performed was Telling You, by me. 

I am autistic

And I'm very proud of it

But it's a secret

I am autistic

And I'm very proud of it

I'm getting ready

I am autistic 

And I'm very proud of it

I'm done hiding it.

How do you think that my class will react? Will they be quiet about it and pretend it doesn't exist, or will they go crazy over it and bombard me with questions? Any advice?

Parents Reply
  • OK then.  That is now more clear.

    I would imagine that the half of your class that have English for 7th or 8th hour, would probably be a good analogue/indicator as to how the other half of your class will react in relation to your poem.

    I'm English so evidently have some retardation in relation to understanding your schooling protocols and arrangements.

    I wish you well with your exploits and hope it works out for you, however so you had originally aspired.
