
You are autistic. You meet a person you instantly click with and are strongly attracted to. You realise or are informed that that person is also on the spectum. You are aware that your shared neurodivergence may be the cause of your strong attraction. You think that getting together with an autistic person is either the only chance you have of ever having a truly working and deep relationship, or the worst idea you ever had. Which is correct?

(please don't reply that it all depends on the person, as that it is always true, regardless. Neurodivergence and relationships are the issue here. I'm tryiing to explore the pros and cons of partnering with another autistic person)

  • Just going to give you my personal opinion here. It might be biased but it’s just my experience so far. I as an autistic male I have had far more luck with non autistic females. I have tried to connect with autistic females, but they either aren’t interested in dating an autistic guy or have too many personal issues and problems. And this kind of negativity in someone immediately puts me off and makes me lose attraction to them. I think autistic females mask way more than guys and in my case maybe don’t want to be seen dating an autistic guy because they want to be ‘normal’ whatever that is lol. 

  • Just going to give you my personal opinion here. It might be biased but it’s just my experience so far. I as an autistic male I have had far more luck with non autistic females. I have tried to connect with autistic females, but they either aren’t interested in dating an autistic guy or have too many personal issues and problems. And this kind of negativity in someone immediately puts me off and makes me lose attraction to them. I think autistic females mask way more than guys and in my case maybe don’t want to be seen dating an autistic guy because they want to be ‘normal’ whatever that is lol. 

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