Last purchase or gift?

I thought this would be a fun thread to do Slight smile 

I last got a rather cool classic cars book for my birthday on February 4th. I've already read this book from cover to back several times and know it will be one of those books I keep going back to!

Awesome!!! Sunglasses 

  • My latest purchase is a brochure for 1979 Datsuns, it’s become a bit of an interest, my earliest brochure is from 1952. I find the cars and the artwork really interesting.

  • My latest purchase is a brochure for 1979 Datsuns, it’s become a bit of an interest, my earliest brochure is from 1952. I find the cars and the artwork really interesting.

  • That's a very nice piece of automobile history you have there, Roy. The old Datsuns are what I would call a true motorcar! I own a fair bit of automobile history myself from brochures to actual parts of different vehicles. It drives my Good Lady mad half the time.

    I have never owned a Datsun nor have I driven one. I have travelled in one however. A man who lived in my village owned a beautiful Datsun, it was an 1975 260Z, in glorious black paint with matching black interior inside. It was owned by a fine chap called David Short. I'm not sure if we were friends, I do struggle with friendships, unsure where I stand much of the time. Anyhow David gave me a lift in it a few times and what a vehicle it was! Nice engine rumble, comfortable to travel in and one of those motors that I imagine one must feel proud when driving.

    Even as the passenger I felt proud to be allowed to travel in it.

    David is sadly passed on now since 2017 but his son Paul now owns the Datsun and I do occasionally see it driving through the village. He keeps it as well as his father did. I often miss those drives with David, they were good times and where my love of Datsuns first came from.

    Thank you for sharing this fantastic purchase Roy. It was a real treat to see and reminded me of the local one.