Is society full of wimps?

  • I'm not sure how I feel about the "this generation is soft, woke PC rubbish" type stuff on this forum lately. Especially as us autistic people are surely likely to be targeted for that for many reasons.

    Better safe than sorry. If we're not equipped to deal with snow in terms of people getting to school/work then that's another problem. 

  • Who mentioned woke? Who said anything about generations?

    Seriously, this appears to a text book example of a thread going wrong and people getting upset because some people are making assumptions about other peoples motivations...

    In truth, the answer to the original question, is that currenlty we get warmer less snowy winters than they did in the sixties,(which I can remember) but history records that it was even warmer in the 1800's so the truth is when it comes to snow certainly, yes society is full of wimps who haven't any relaevant experience so are somewhat afraid of snow. 

    As for the woke stuff, just lets leave it out eh? 

    Hard times make strong men.

    Strong men make easy times.

    Easy times make weak men

    Weak men make hard times.

    Then the cycle repeats. 

    No matter which side of the social political spectrum you sit, you'll probably see the basic truth in the old words I reproduced above. Adn if we explored the issue you'd probably find that we all know which stage in the cycle we are at. 

  • We live in a society which weaponises grief and bereavement.

    It wasn't just about the past five, or so, years. It all began with Daytime/Breakfast TV, promoting 'Health' while our food became toxic. Talking Heads ended up with Degrees in Medicine.

    Cancer turned us into paranoid hypochondriacs. COVID merely the deal-sealer.

  • Some people just take things too seriously. That's not good. I've started wearing my glasses upside down just because I think life is absurd and why not make fun of it all. Too many people are obsessed with living a long life, being healthy, competing with one another. Life is supposed to be fun! Of course, it's foolish to not keep yourself secure and safe but we should be aiming for a world where people relax and let our guard down as much as possible.

  • Some people just take things too seriously. That's not good. I've started wearing my glasses upside down just because I think life is absurd and why not make fun of it all. Too many people are obsessed with living a long life, being healthy, competing with one another. Life is supposed to be fun! Of course, it's foolish to not keep yourself secure and safe but we should be aiming for a world where people relax and let our guard down as much as possible.

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