Is society full of wimps?

  • Some people just take things too seriously. That's not good. I've started wearing my glasses upside down just because I think life is absurd and why not make fun of it all. Too many people are obsessed with living a long life, being healthy, competing with one another. Life is supposed to be fun! Of course, it's foolish to not keep yourself secure and safe but we should be aiming for a world where people relax and let our guard down as much as possible.

  • They didn't have social media back then. How would we know that they didn't panic?

    or more like.... how did they know to panic without social media telling them to?

  • I remember very deep snow in the sixties.  

    On the really rare occasion it closed our school we were if anything disappointed... Not least after having had to pick my way though snowdrifts some 2 miles or so... 

    Things & people were definitely more reslient and made less drama about all sorts of things back then..

    First hand testimony any good?

  • and the loss of Debbie has been a "thing" for me.
    Debbie's departure has been a "thing" for me also. Her presence on the forums is greatly missed.

    Good to know im not the only one who has a "thing" about that..

  • That's not how I interpreted it. When Pegg mentioned leaving this place, I took it to mean NAS.

  • That's kind of you to say ISperg.

    I can't make any promises, but I'll try to keep doing what I do as and when I feel able to.

  • We live in a society which weaponises grief and bereavement.

    It wasn't just about the past five, or so, years. It all began with Daytime/Breakfast TV, promoting 'Health' while our food became toxic. Talking Heads ended up with Degrees in Medicine.

    Cancer turned us into paranoid hypochondriacs. COVID merely the deal-sealer.

  • I thought she meant leaving the Country altogether.

  • How would we know what they were saying face-to-face though?

    Whereas for social media, we potentially have records.

    Yes, we have records of newspapers, TV, and radio shows but that's kind of a curated selection of views.

    Maybe diaries would be useful. But I doubt people would write about something as inconsequential as a snow closure in their diary.

  • I've always thought you post with your head screwed on right. Please keep doing what you do. 

    Stay strong, both of you.

  • Number, I don't consider myself to be a 'genius contributor' with 'sage advice', but I'm touched if that is what you think. If I feel I can contribute to these forums in some way, then I just cross my fingers and hope I can express myself in a way that doesn't result in ruffling feathers.

    I hope a spell of hibernation will greatly help to lift your mood. I also hope that when you return, the atmosphere of this place will have drastically improved.

    Debbie's departure has been a "thing" for me also. Her presence on the forums is greatly missed.

  • I feel the need to take some time away from the forums, otherwise it just drags my mood down.

    Sparkly, you are always a genius contributor, who often helps me with timely sage advice.

    I will bid all a warm farewell of a mood and productivity has diminished GREATLY in recent days.....and I think that is, in no small the morass I see developing here.....and the loss of Debbie has been a "thing" for me.

    As a wise, wise lady once said (I believe it became a Vine, or a meme) "Ain't nobody got time for 'dat sheet"

    I'll be back, but I need a recharge and to re-centre myself in my real world of real people and real things and the real calm that I maintain fastidiously, for my own sense of well being and usefulness.

    See y'all on the flip side.


    Number - Out.

  • I agree that the thread title is "somewhat" inflammatory.....although it is appropriately posed as a question, presumably to prompt people to express their opinions on it, if they so choose.  This is what has happened.  This is a forum, so that all seems fair enough to me?

    Robert started this thread and he is a valued member of this community and has been for many years.  He, surely, has the right to express his views what he can rightly consider to be his home turf?

    If all alternative views to our own are shouted down and dismissed, then this forum will become EVEN MORE hollowed out than it has already become.  I fear for this place, and my part within it.

    [Disambiguation.....I support everyone in their right to express their views....but I am becoming UTTERLY exasperated that the skills and "calm" required to do this WITHOUT BLOWING EVERYTHING UP seem to have evaporated from, us, the people.  I fear for the souls and future of us, the people.]

  • , I sincerely hope that you don't leave.

    There are occasions when I feel irked by some of the things I read on the forums. I know that I especially don't like it when discussions get heated, and neither side is willing to back down. That's usually when I feel the need to take some time away from the forums, otherwise it just drags my mood down.

    For what it's worth, I'm not so sure that it had been Robert124's intention to spark a conversation about 'woke', or at least that's not how I had interpreted his post. 

  • How have you come to the conclusion that society is "full of wimps"?

    The thread title is inflammatory, so it can't be a surprise that people would respond like they have.

  • Who mentioned woke? Who said anything about generations?

    Seriously, this appears to a text book example of a thread going wrong and people getting upset because some people are making assumptions about other peoples motivations...

    In truth, the answer to the original question, is that currenlty we get warmer less snowy winters than they did in the sixties,(which I can remember) but history records that it was even warmer in the 1800's so the truth is when it comes to snow certainly, yes society is full of wimps who haven't any relaevant experience so are somewhat afraid of snow. 

    As for the woke stuff, just lets leave it out eh? 

    Hard times make strong men.

    Strong men make easy times.

    Easy times make weak men

    Weak men make hard times.

    Then the cycle repeats. 

    No matter which side of the social political spectrum you sit, you'll probably see the basic truth in the old words I reproduced above. Adn if we explored the issue you'd probably find that we all know which stage in the cycle we are at. 

  • We had 3 TV channels, newspapers, the radio, telephones....and people actually spoke to each other in the street and in shops.  I think we did OK for communication before "social media" came on the scene to be honest......arguably much, much better in many respects !

  • Did they just get on with life? Are we sure no one was hurt or injured or anything like that?

    They didn't panic because there was a forecast and stay at home.

    They didn't have social media back then. How would we know that they didn't panic?

  • It does seem like everything is unnecessarily polarised. Schools closing for snow isn't new.

    Schools remaining open on days where there's heavy snow on the ground is not new either.