If diagnosed, do you regret it?

I was talking to someone the other day as they haven't sought after a diagnosis for ASD as they didn't want to regret it later (as they thought an official diagnosis could limit their opportunities after university), and it got me thinking. I did not consider any of the potential issues after getting an official diagnosis, I just wanted some answers. Unlike them, I have had various mental health issues, and I've tried therapy many times to no avail. Obviously some mental health issues can be co-morbid of ASD and with how I am socially it should have been investigated when I was much younger. It wasn't until I was in my early 20's, fed up of wondering why therapy didn't seem to work for me but wanted to be "normal" I started to consider that I may be autistic. So I went after a diagnosis, which has allowed me to give up notion that one day I can be "normal" if I try hard enough, and I am okay with being different now (after getting over post diagnosis grief). So for me the diagnosis was worth potentially limiting my opportunities (even though I'm 99% sure it won't as my interests and ambitions are not effected as far as I know).

I was wondering what everyone else's experiences or opinions on the matter are?

  • Regrets?


    Getting a diagnosis was the best thing I've done in a long time! All my life I've felt out of place,  different, broken, less than. Now I know I'm non of those things. Not broken or less than. Autistic. At long last I know that I'm not a bad or unlikeable person. The only regret I have is not knowing this very fundamental fact about myself for 62 years and now I do reflect back on my life and wonder what might I have achieved if I'd known and received a bit of help along the way. 

  • Inula, I was sixty-seven when diagnosed so I understand you perfectly. Over the years, since the age of five,  I'd seen many doctors, psychologists and on one occasion a psychiatrist, but all to very little avail.


  • Inula, I was sixty-seven when diagnosed so I understand you perfectly. Over the years, since the age of five,  I'd seen many doctors, psychologists and on one occasion a psychiatrist, but all to very little avail.


  • Shame you can't change the past but you can look forward to a bright future where you know yourself and can live as an autistic individual Blush

  • Astridlora. Unfortunately, we can't change the past no matter how much we might like to, so we just have to deal with what we've got. Everyone's experience is different, but I feel that an early diagnosis must surely be an advantage.


  • I'm glad you found the answers in the end. Really positive that you achieved your diagnosis later in life.

    Do you regret not being diagnosed earlier? I'm just curious, sorry if I'm sounding nosy.

    I was diagnosed early but found I couldn't get help at school and it was a really confusing time for me as there was so much going on all at once. Something I wish a later diagnosis had happened instead of early.