What's your superpower?

Partly because I'm trying to cheer myself up, partly because we need a bit of positivity in life and also because I'd like to get to know you all a bit better, what is your autistic superpower? I prefer to think of the positives that being autistic brings rather than dwell on the things I struggle with and I like to think of my strengths as "superpowers".

Mine are empathy (sometimes my heart can feel like it's going to break or explode!) and spotting details / patterns, particularly in numbers and equations. I also think I see more details in nature than my neurotypical friends (nature is my "special interest") and I get far more joy and excitement from nature than most people do. What are yours?

(Just I case it's confused anyone, I've changed my username, I hope that's OK?)

  • I am very process orientated - always analysing things and challenging the status quo in my never ending search for the perfect process. Very handy in an IT environment (thats what I do at the moment).
    However, it can also be my kryptonite and can verge on OCD at times.
    The key is finding the right balance.

    Like many autists, I dislike change, but I often see that as a positive - it means that I am very loyal and determined to suceed.

    I'm afraid that empaty is someting that I am severly lacking in.
    Maybe I'm too old.....and damaging by a lifetime of a challenges and disappointments.

    Sorry for putting a negative taint on the subject.

  • Like Ausomely Autistic said, I don't think that's negative. And this is definitely a positive!

    I am very loyal and determined to suceed.
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