Foxy has four legs

Well my post diagnosis was messy and the mute shut down and rejection of alll medical assistance was the out working of a failier of response that is typical of the mental health provisions in surrey. the few people I saw were ok and the psychiatrist did get me a step along but i was wel annoyed that his paper work was nessacary to qualify what i had been bleeting on about for years anf even now the system has let me drift off because i was traumatise dby the 40 questions it takes to get an assesment to go on the 18 month waiting list for therapy. PLEASE

So how was i exumed from my silence and driven from my pyjamas and the doldrums of indifferent failier and the contemplations of my own execution that I willing ly considered and rejected to continue what I saw as fsithful but self detructive choice to live.

Well She is called Foxy anad she is the dumped dog who escaped the battersey death nell, to become my little world of sucess on a different world view of things.

You can see her baby picture here,7

I am up at 4 to keep the floor dry and when she eats I remember to, her walks and my medication go together and all in all we are a good team, I have to be the boss and eat first and have learned to shout or bark when I am not happy with realy bad behaviour, I am the one who is at the training classes she is well smart and had to go up a class.

The staff at the school responded in fine style to my iam autistic card and a few of them have first hand experience and experts in the friend and family line who would consult to help my challenges, which was overwhelming on the first day. have been exelent in their understanding and have been keen to help me keep a sfe and happy doe mostly I needed reassuring that i wass not breaking her in some way.

So I was lead out of the rock under which I crawled realy by a small bright inteligent Little Red Dog, called Foxy.


When ther are no languages to bridge the devide it is the best of us as animals that we have in common, it is sad that we despise this beauty in ourselves as base and of no value or function, for I think it is the very antidote to all that ails us as a result of the toxicity of the life we call modern.



  • winter is on the way, we have watched as the thermometer has droped two degrees a night till last night when it did three, we started watching thermometers in Canada, where it is the best wat to tell how to dress, other than that it is popping out and feeling what your nose and lungs do whan you breath in, I got it down to a fine art and could tell the temperature within a degree, just from sniffing. Not bad for a limey visitor in their first winteer and from then on every visit I got better at it.

    Foxy went to play with a friend JIP who is a ten month old boxer who learned to submit today, foxy was splatted by his paws for a few goes but she out ran was fitter and out smarted him in the end. I caught her actually flashing her butt after winning his submit to me she well looked as if she was gloating , with a see this moment.

    She took offf on the common and would not come to call, I collected her popped her in the naughty mode and she is on the long lead I made last week till she has an absolute understanding of recall now. It has already worked a bit as the play run in an enclosed garden had her coming away from some fine play when I tested the whistle I use to call her.

    But it needs work and I am in mo rush to put her free till this blind drive is cured a bit more. she loves children and other dogs so that she wriggles throughout. we have nick named her wriggles as a rezult.

    A trip to Pets at home was a real fun time and she spent the afteernoon trying out beds till it was obvious the one she liked, which was the first one in the end, girls is girls when shopping. She used the touch skill i tuaght her to choose toys and at threee for two she chose them in her favourite order and plays with the same favour she showed in the shop, the colour of the balls were in order of preference and pink and red are first every time. I have a girly, girl on my hands.

    She had her photo taken for the website and as a result I spent the next two days capitulating and joining facebook.

    Your poor boys sound as if life is a bit tough just now and your foresight is well placed, it has forever annoyd me that the state says it must and will regulate the children of this country only to be so overwhelmed by the reasonable back lash that children have leveled for generations at thsystem that farms a modular squeese towards a minority sucess for the purposes of fueling a capitalist stuff machine for the love of money and the wealth of a few.

    I am proudly raised a communist, not a fannatic and not a lover of the pogroms or the squeese it generated but for the value of all those who contribute to the well being of our society, but then i can remember what the streets were like when the bin men refused to work to impress this point of working class value, UP THE WORKERS. I would be one of them if my back was as valuable as the man down the road who is the same age, same build and same skill experience but his back could be fixed and mine is of lesser value, I am not part of the most dissenfranchised group since the war ended without having the consequences of that on my doorstep, hey ho you have to love a medic with an inbred blind bias.

    So Glad you have a good one, I found a female who has picked up where the others lost intrest and have had 4 injections in the spine this last year, am up for MOT next week.

    MiL is comming home soon ish when the army of people it will take is lined up and this will be the end there is no up hill form here and the girls of the family promised not to pack her off to a home to expire so they are fighting for her home comming and the doc''s seem to be cool with that thought the condesendin stuck up female of the bunch nearly killed her over the weekend with the rubbish management and her ward has a reputation both with the staff in the hospital and in the town as a shadowy joseph mengelease place to go, and I have to say proven after the worries and trouble she hospital. It has a don't care cos they are alone and dying anyway attitude towards the inmates, yes I did use that turn of phrase. It is a corner cut without too many to notice place.

    And they send me trust burble cos I am a member, so i get to see the gloss and the reality, do these people think that bad news and gossip is just idle chatter, for me it is the spoken truth and the noise of those not bought off by fluffy words and PR postulating.

    Sun is coming up and the book cases that have been a conundrum for months have a solution around the corner, i have oodles of books to dig in to and miss the soothing silence that is part of reading , the slowed world that is the vastnes of space in the mind and the timelessness that it brings.

    So oaty good luck wiht the ladies at the home school gig aadn rember you are not trying to be a super local high but a tailord education establishment with your boys as the star pupils, just on more days than they can get at a state school.


    The obsession with more, bigger, better and higher has value in that it has been the driver of our evolution but whilst we are in the grip of a love of mediocrity as a chosen mean, we are faced with the poverty of wasted people and skills dicarded as valueless. This will depleat the sucess of individuals and marginalise the future of the generations that follow, as they are reduced to compliant cooperation and indifferent productivity, that is if we are not already there.

  • winter is on the way, we have watched as the thermometer has droped two degrees a night till last night when it did three, we started watching thermometers in Canada, where it is the best wat to tell how to dress, other than that it is popping out and feeling what your nose and lungs do whan you breath in, I got it down to a fine art and could tell the temperature within a degree, just from sniffing. Not bad for a limey visitor in their first winteer and from then on every visit I got better at it.

    Foxy went to play with a friend JIP who is a ten month old boxer who learned to submit today, foxy was splatted by his paws for a few goes but she out ran was fitter and out smarted him in the end. I caught her actually flashing her butt after winning his submit to me she well looked as if she was gloating , with a see this moment.

    She took offf on the common and would not come to call, I collected her popped her in the naughty mode and she is on the long lead I made last week till she has an absolute understanding of recall now. It has already worked a bit as the play run in an enclosed garden had her coming away from some fine play when I tested the whistle I use to call her.

    But it needs work and I am in mo rush to put her free till this blind drive is cured a bit more. she loves children and other dogs so that she wriggles throughout. we have nick named her wriggles as a rezult.

    A trip to Pets at home was a real fun time and she spent the afteernoon trying out beds till it was obvious the one she liked, which was the first one in the end, girls is girls when shopping. She used the touch skill i tuaght her to choose toys and at threee for two she chose them in her favourite order and plays with the same favour she showed in the shop, the colour of the balls were in order of preference and pink and red are first every time. I have a girly, girl on my hands.

    She had her photo taken for the website and as a result I spent the next two days capitulating and joining facebook.

    Your poor boys sound as if life is a bit tough just now and your foresight is well placed, it has forever annoyd me that the state says it must and will regulate the children of this country only to be so overwhelmed by the reasonable back lash that children have leveled for generations at thsystem that farms a modular squeese towards a minority sucess for the purposes of fueling a capitalist stuff machine for the love of money and the wealth of a few.

    I am proudly raised a communist, not a fannatic and not a lover of the pogroms or the squeese it generated but for the value of all those who contribute to the well being of our society, but then i can remember what the streets were like when the bin men refused to work to impress this point of working class value, UP THE WORKERS. I would be one of them if my back was as valuable as the man down the road who is the same age, same build and same skill experience but his back could be fixed and mine is of lesser value, I am not part of the most dissenfranchised group since the war ended without having the consequences of that on my doorstep, hey ho you have to love a medic with an inbred blind bias.

    So Glad you have a good one, I found a female who has picked up where the others lost intrest and have had 4 injections in the spine this last year, am up for MOT next week.

    MiL is comming home soon ish when the army of people it will take is lined up and this will be the end there is no up hill form here and the girls of the family promised not to pack her off to a home to expire so they are fighting for her home comming and the doc''s seem to be cool with that thought the condesendin stuck up female of the bunch nearly killed her over the weekend with the rubbish management and her ward has a reputation both with the staff in the hospital and in the town as a shadowy joseph mengelease place to go, and I have to say proven after the worries and trouble she hospital. It has a don't care cos they are alone and dying anyway attitude towards the inmates, yes I did use that turn of phrase. It is a corner cut without too many to notice place.

    And they send me trust burble cos I am a member, so i get to see the gloss and the reality, do these people think that bad news and gossip is just idle chatter, for me it is the spoken truth and the noise of those not bought off by fluffy words and PR postulating.

    Sun is coming up and the book cases that have been a conundrum for months have a solution around the corner, i have oodles of books to dig in to and miss the soothing silence that is part of reading , the slowed world that is the vastnes of space in the mind and the timelessness that it brings.

    So oaty good luck wiht the ladies at the home school gig aadn rember you are not trying to be a super local high but a tailord education establishment with your boys as the star pupils, just on more days than they can get at a state school.


    The obsession with more, bigger, better and higher has value in that it has been the driver of our evolution but whilst we are in the grip of a love of mediocrity as a chosen mean, we are faced with the poverty of wasted people and skills dicarded as valueless. This will depleat the sucess of individuals and marginalise the future of the generations that follow, as they are reduced to compliant cooperation and indifferent productivity, that is if we are not already there.

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