Foxy has four legs

Well my post diagnosis was messy and the mute shut down and rejection of alll medical assistance was the out working of a failier of response that is typical of the mental health provisions in surrey. the few people I saw were ok and the psychiatrist did get me a step along but i was wel annoyed that his paper work was nessacary to qualify what i had been bleeting on about for years anf even now the system has let me drift off because i was traumatise dby the 40 questions it takes to get an assesment to go on the 18 month waiting list for therapy. PLEASE

So how was i exumed from my silence and driven from my pyjamas and the doldrums of indifferent failier and the contemplations of my own execution that I willing ly considered and rejected to continue what I saw as fsithful but self detructive choice to live.

Well She is called Foxy anad she is the dumped dog who escaped the battersey death nell, to become my little world of sucess on a different world view of things.

You can see her baby picture here,7

I am up at 4 to keep the floor dry and when she eats I remember to, her walks and my medication go together and all in all we are a good team, I have to be the boss and eat first and have learned to shout or bark when I am not happy with realy bad behaviour, I am the one who is at the training classes she is well smart and had to go up a class.

The staff at the school responded in fine style to my iam autistic card and a few of them have first hand experience and experts in the friend and family line who would consult to help my challenges, which was overwhelming on the first day. have been exelent in their understanding and have been keen to help me keep a sfe and happy doe mostly I needed reassuring that i wass not breaking her in some way.

So I was lead out of the rock under which I crawled realy by a small bright inteligent Little Red Dog, called Foxy.


When ther are no languages to bridge the devide it is the best of us as animals that we have in common, it is sad that we despise this beauty in ourselves as base and of no value or function, for I think it is the very antidote to all that ails us as a result of the toxicity of the life we call modern.



  • Well oatsy, that my gal was a proper doosey. I can get the punch but when my mind made the head but deal that was a buster how are you and is your nose intact.

    There are a few occassions where my frustration has boiled but I was very VERY regimented and my mother was not to be taken on lightly.

    Though I did witha degree of abandon it was all verbal jousting to a high degree I grant you and I learned to do angry and cut like a knife with words but the physical thing.

    That was restrained by the rewarded virtue of "turning the other cheek" and the ego trip of satisfaction that followed initially, but in the three years of severe physical and mental bullying I managed it till the third year and when i knew I was leaving the school I found the courage to hit back but it was not realy in me by then to show much violence. even now I talk it more than anything and am the preverbial gentle gaint.

    The mental gymnastics my mind went through to sort out what was happening still scars me today but I cannot easily quantify it as I cannot get the treatment for the degree of trauma I have, but I digress......

    I am proud of my turned out self and the gymnastics has contributed to the melting pot of ability, I have noted that it is in the frontiers of duress that I learn best and normalising the abnormal for us asd types works out as blending and sucess of degrees, not an easy or comfortable fit but all the same a survival tool none the less.

    Head butting eh I don't care how or who'e son I would have clocked him back but as your fierce barking mum position is already on the racks of his hormonal fluff I would go for what my partner and mother did, you could even get the social services to agree or prefferably a large land owning friend, .........

    there is not much damage you can do, all but to yourself and that soon does the short sharp shock a treat, this may not sit or be appropriate but it worked for me when I got faced with the reality of my choices, a trip to the police station, with your local friendly and a lock in the cell for 5 minuits.. my sister has this option but the local bobby knows about J and has visited on the friendly alot and brought him home for tea, oh the joys of isolated country living.

    but this will all depend on the nature of your boy and how he learns but learn he must if he clocked me he would deffinitly be singing a different song today that is for sure; it for these reasons it seems time to change.

    At the end of the day if you have become the punching bag as my partner said to me "You do it bacause you can, well from now on you cannot" I soon learned to define new boundries of verbal restraint as I had become a verbal puncher. I have no doubt your boy can too, but the hitting issue is frustration in full swing with no brakes and as with the dogs and biting this has to be sorted.......... or when he grows up you will lose your choices never mind him loosing the ones he does not even know he has just now. draw the line ________________________________________

    Loss of privalages, los of extras, loss of all overstimulating anything, the austerity is a visual and obvious naughty step.. but there will be a storm over it if not a hurricane but you can kill some one with the right hit wiht you head and more punches besides.

    You poor lady what a shock you must have had ... but time to read the riot act and in no uncertain terms it will stick in the imagination and mind forever so, be firm loud and angry.NOTE.... like the dog thing only when it is linked to the next event that is over the new line of respect the next time he steps even close and string together this with the big event and the big issue.

    If he relates his reaction towards a death wish, don't pannick be ready for this it is that power house of our indifference and brinkmanship and what puts us apart with a power that dissables. tis is the deep sence of loss and desperation all out helplessness' hates and confusions in one.

    It is strange to relate that after all the bolockings I ever had I felt better. I worked out it was because people say what is real in those moments and do not dress it up, ther is no doubt in anger and no room for much else, I had an answer for everything, mu, was just me with children and way ahead and we would feed off each other in the end, but after the storm I always noted I had a good calm and would gradually ramp up till I needed another fight to be put in my place and that was the security of knowing what was what, the tought bit is I needed it about everything abd all the time and that was not available, but if I had been told this . THE SPELLING IT OUT THING, I woould have begun to accept the offers of guidance I came to after years of mistakes and hardship. there realy was no other way for me to learn.

    The IRON rule this young son of yours needs is probably the pressure release your boy is lookinfg for but as my sister says if the neighbours did not know and understand. they would think hell was breaking out next door sometimes but if you don't have an adolesent scrap then nothing gets sorted...............

    I am so, so, sad that the brute has not got personal brakes and I do hope that you have the rescourses in you to fence this part of life off for him as an avenue of expression.

    The rage of our own innability to see that the glass even exist is wrapped up in this issue and the normalising of the abnormal we do means this is further compounded, it is on this bridge that we can only cross if .........IF we have someone to trust and hand hold us to a degree of blind faith that constitutes a sort of veiled vision,. but our acute sences and differences often have belief, faith and trust in ashes long before we are able to appreciate it is us who lights the fire.......

    Let me know what you think Lady O I hope this has an odd bit of ok stuff for you. Take care sweet.


    Time to say NEVER is a wall of absolute that will only ever invite attack but the nature of absolute is to define the things that are not to pass and this calls for the courage of death itself for this is the outcome of failier. Life offers deaths of many forms long before it releases its hidden final secret in the shadows of lifes parting.

  • Well oatsy, that my gal was a proper doosey. I can get the punch but when my mind made the head but deal that was a buster how are you and is your nose intact.

    There are a few occassions where my frustration has boiled but I was very VERY regimented and my mother was not to be taken on lightly.

    Though I did witha degree of abandon it was all verbal jousting to a high degree I grant you and I learned to do angry and cut like a knife with words but the physical thing.

    That was restrained by the rewarded virtue of "turning the other cheek" and the ego trip of satisfaction that followed initially, but in the three years of severe physical and mental bullying I managed it till the third year and when i knew I was leaving the school I found the courage to hit back but it was not realy in me by then to show much violence. even now I talk it more than anything and am the preverbial gentle gaint.

    The mental gymnastics my mind went through to sort out what was happening still scars me today but I cannot easily quantify it as I cannot get the treatment for the degree of trauma I have, but I digress......

    I am proud of my turned out self and the gymnastics has contributed to the melting pot of ability, I have noted that it is in the frontiers of duress that I learn best and normalising the abnormal for us asd types works out as blending and sucess of degrees, not an easy or comfortable fit but all the same a survival tool none the less.

    Head butting eh I don't care how or who'e son I would have clocked him back but as your fierce barking mum position is already on the racks of his hormonal fluff I would go for what my partner and mother did, you could even get the social services to agree or prefferably a large land owning friend, .........

    there is not much damage you can do, all but to yourself and that soon does the short sharp shock a treat, this may not sit or be appropriate but it worked for me when I got faced with the reality of my choices, a trip to the police station, with your local friendly and a lock in the cell for 5 minuits.. my sister has this option but the local bobby knows about J and has visited on the friendly alot and brought him home for tea, oh the joys of isolated country living.

    but this will all depend on the nature of your boy and how he learns but learn he must if he clocked me he would deffinitly be singing a different song today that is for sure; it for these reasons it seems time to change.

    At the end of the day if you have become the punching bag as my partner said to me "You do it bacause you can, well from now on you cannot" I soon learned to define new boundries of verbal restraint as I had become a verbal puncher. I have no doubt your boy can too, but the hitting issue is frustration in full swing with no brakes and as with the dogs and biting this has to be sorted.......... or when he grows up you will lose your choices never mind him loosing the ones he does not even know he has just now. draw the line ________________________________________

    Loss of privalages, los of extras, loss of all overstimulating anything, the austerity is a visual and obvious naughty step.. but there will be a storm over it if not a hurricane but you can kill some one with the right hit wiht you head and more punches besides.

    You poor lady what a shock you must have had ... but time to read the riot act and in no uncertain terms it will stick in the imagination and mind forever so, be firm loud and angry.NOTE.... like the dog thing only when it is linked to the next event that is over the new line of respect the next time he steps even close and string together this with the big event and the big issue.

    If he relates his reaction towards a death wish, don't pannick be ready for this it is that power house of our indifference and brinkmanship and what puts us apart with a power that dissables. tis is the deep sence of loss and desperation all out helplessness' hates and confusions in one.

    It is strange to relate that after all the bolockings I ever had I felt better. I worked out it was because people say what is real in those moments and do not dress it up, ther is no doubt in anger and no room for much else, I had an answer for everything, mu, was just me with children and way ahead and we would feed off each other in the end, but after the storm I always noted I had a good calm and would gradually ramp up till I needed another fight to be put in my place and that was the security of knowing what was what, the tought bit is I needed it about everything abd all the time and that was not available, but if I had been told this . THE SPELLING IT OUT THING, I woould have begun to accept the offers of guidance I came to after years of mistakes and hardship. there realy was no other way for me to learn.

    The IRON rule this young son of yours needs is probably the pressure release your boy is lookinfg for but as my sister says if the neighbours did not know and understand. they would think hell was breaking out next door sometimes but if you don't have an adolesent scrap then nothing gets sorted...............

    I am so, so, sad that the brute has not got personal brakes and I do hope that you have the rescourses in you to fence this part of life off for him as an avenue of expression.

    The rage of our own innability to see that the glass even exist is wrapped up in this issue and the normalising of the abnormal we do means this is further compounded, it is on this bridge that we can only cross if .........IF we have someone to trust and hand hold us to a degree of blind faith that constitutes a sort of veiled vision,. but our acute sences and differences often have belief, faith and trust in ashes long before we are able to appreciate it is us who lights the fire.......

    Let me know what you think Lady O I hope this has an odd bit of ok stuff for you. Take care sweet.


    Time to say NEVER is a wall of absolute that will only ever invite attack but the nature of absolute is to define the things that are not to pass and this calls for the courage of death itself for this is the outcome of failier. Life offers deaths of many forms long before it releases its hidden final secret in the shadows of lifes parting.

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