Britain is screwing itself over.

I need to write, my brain is bursting with ideas and I need an outlet for them. I am not a historian, but I think britain is screwing itself, how many old people want to go back to the old ways, long for the old ways of doing things. The problem with that is the philosophy was all about fitting in now there is a problem with this. Neurodivergence. Human brains are fundamentally different. So you force everybody to fit in then you can't let people access their full strengths. Especially neurodivergent people, how much of their energy has been wasted because they were using that energy to fit in instead of finding ways to use their brain to their own advantage.  Neurotypical people with their neurotypicalness have more flexible brains which means they can mimic what neurodivergent people have inherently and achieve great success by also having social skills, the problem with this is I think it was working at reduced efficiency. Neurodivergent brains are designed for a purpose whereas neurotypical people have to train themselves to do what neurodivergent brains can already do. What if we focused instead on improving the advantages of neurodivergent brains, What heights can we achieve then. There is a fundamental problem with making everyone fit in and not taking risks, you disadvantage people with ADHD, they are explorers natural risk takers, they are 300% more likely to start their own business, it is not a genetic flaw, it is a genetic necessity in order to improve we need to be willing to take risks, but if these people are forced out then that means that less people are willing to take risks which means eventually we decline because we always take the safe option. So in order to change this we need to actually improve the awareness and diagnosing around neuroivergence, because it is not just an individual issue it is a societal issue, in the case of ADHD medication can have a dramatic effect on peoples lives, but it needs to be combined with appropriate help in order to let them perform at their best. I think I read Richard Branson has ADHD, how many people with ADHD are locked up because they don't have a diagnosis or can't access treatment when instead their minds can be used to improve society as a whole with the correct measures. The things about old people is what happened in the past led us to where we are, not willing to take risks means we didn't take advantage of the opportunities we had because we took the short-term safe option, because there were no risk takers as they were all driven out, they caused our decline and they are now blaming it on us because they f*cked up, with their neurotypical idiocy. Alan Turing, helped with cracking the german navy's enigma code, and yet he had to spend a decent portion of his energy hiding his homosexuality. (Not neurodivergence but the same principle) What lunacy, what could have happened if he was able to just be him and he was allowed to perform at his best. How much more advanced could we be as a society, this is why we are declining because we aren't allowing people to take advantage of their full strengths which is utter lunacy. Another problem is dyslexia and dyscalclia, if we build a society around information and computers, then that means we must be limiting who can access this information. Their brains must be amazing at certain things, I think for dyslexia it is visual spatial stuff and yet they are not able to access their strength because our society is built around exams and test taking and writing, so we can't access their abilities because they are being driven out. This is utter idiocy. The number one priority of this country should be neurodivergence, what could happen if everybody was allowed to perform at their fullest instead of being handicapped and letting neurotypical who can fit in take advantage of this. Neurotypical make complicated systems to screw over neurodivergent people but they are actually screwing over themselves because neurodivergent people are necessary, and then they have the bl**dy gall to blame their failings on neurodivergent people. Screw them. They are responsible for their failings and it is because of the underappreciated neurodivergent that probably made the wheels keep turning with any thanks that we actually got anywhere, with their incompetence running the country. How many of the things that actually made britain great was because of neurodivergent people, whose ideas were stolen by neurotypical people. Rant over.

  • Yup, well 13 straight years of hard-right Tory rule is enough to drive anyone mad. 13 years of austerity, corruption, incompetence, and failed leadership. When you have a bunch of clueless elitists running everything this is the result.

    how many old people want to go back to the old ways, long for the old ways of doing things

    It's called the Dunning-Kruger effect. Old people of any generation always whine it was "better in the good old days", they're just feeling nostalgic. I've read an essay by an old monk from 500 years ago who was complaining the younger generation meant society was doomed. It's a cyclical process mouthed off about by the vacuous

    Physics has shown us society will always evolve and change, for better or worse, but the Back In My Day brigade don't seem capable of comprehending this. The inherent frustration in the inevitability things can't be the way they used to be leads to their constant complaining. 

  • Old people of any generation always whine it was "better in the good old days", they're just feeling nostalgic.

    Some but by no means all.

    I would far rather live in the here and now than the there and then.

    I started a couple of threads on a similar subject.

    Here's a link to one:

  • I used to have this argument with my dad, who appeared to think all human progress ended in the early 1960s.

    This man who grew up in the poverty of 1930s Glasgow and lived through the Second World War and the Cold War was convinced that everything had gotten worse, despite all evidence to the contrary.

    When he was nearing his end he did say something quite profound through: that he had always thought that the world was getting worse, but now realised that the world is just always changing, sometimes for the good and sometimes for the bad, but it will continue.

  • Being an older Irish gay man, raised a Catholic in Rural Republic of Ireland, 30 years in supermarket retailing in both my native Ireland and here in the U.K., living in Dublin for 3 years, living 21 years in a socially deprived area of Manchester, I’ve seen Ireland fall far harder and faster in many respects than even here in the U.K. in all of my years coming home to family on visits to Ireland, even before Covid, but this process has massively accelerated since Covid and the changes that have happened have been frankly heartbreaking, so I do empathise with the original poster as an Irish Catholic patriot - my traditional Irish Catholic faith at this point is the only thing that sustains me at age 53 and even though I don’t have children myself, it is doubly heartbreaking what is happening to the actual babies of today, as I clearly see what we are losing compared to my own childhood in the 1970’s and my teens in the 1980’s - I’m only too well aware of what the lives of the babies of today will be like if or when they reach their teens, let alone reach adulthood long after I’m gone, as they will never get to experience the simple pleasures and freedoms that we once had at that age, even though my childhood and teens were not perfect, yet Covid was a massive wake up call to all of us, just like 9/11, the 2008/2009 credit crunch, Y2K, the 1960’s, etc - I honestly believe  and maintain that no earthly efforts of sinful, disobedient, wilful, ungovernable, imperfect mankind can nor will ever resolve this nor turn this situation around, instead, I truly believe that only direct divine intervention can possibly hope to defeat the evil that is in complete control of our world right now - we are dealing with far greater enemies than we have ever dealt with at any point in our history, recorded or otherwise 

  • Terrible. It happened to me last year, more my fault for agreeing to help from MH services. I hope things change in the future. Hospital is no place for an autistic person.

  • Yeah that's true. Fifty years ago if you were autistic and didn't hide it you were detained and treated in hospital in some cases. At least now we can be ourselves without fear of that happening. Though neurotypicals don't understand at least we don't have to hide who we are.

  • I’m not saying everything is great, but almost every measure is vastly better than 50 years ago.

  • Change is inevitable, but sometimes it's just for the sake of change.

    My generation were the Guinea Pigs for today's Social Experiment. Convincing us that we will lead the Revolution. Only to be shafted by endless war and debt.

    TV gave with one hand, then took with the other.

  • Change is inevitable, but sometimes it's just for the sake of change.

    My generation were the Guinea Pigs for today's Social Experiment. Convincing us that we will lead the Revolution. Only to be shafted by endless war and debt.

    TV gave with one hand, then took with the other.

  • Being an older Irish gay man, raised a Catholic in Rural Republic of Ireland, 30 years in supermarket retailing in both my native Ireland and here in the U.K., living in Dublin for 3 years, living 21 years in a socially deprived area of Manchester, I’ve seen Ireland fall far harder and faster in many respects than even here in the U.K. in all of my years coming home to family on visits to Ireland, even before Covid, but this process has massively accelerated since Covid and the changes that have happened have been frankly heartbreaking, so I do empathise with the original poster as an Irish Catholic patriot - my traditional Irish Catholic faith at this point is the only thing that sustains me at age 53 and even though I don’t have children myself, it is doubly heartbreaking what is happening to the actual babies of today, as I clearly see what we are losing compared to my own childhood in the 1970’s and my teens in the 1980’s - I’m only too well aware of what the lives of the babies of today will be like if or when they reach their teens, let alone reach adulthood long after I’m gone, as they will never get to experience the simple pleasures and freedoms that we once had at that age, even though my childhood and teens were not perfect, yet Covid was a massive wake up call to all of us, just like 9/11, the 2008/2009 credit crunch, Y2K, the 1960’s, etc - I honestly believe  and maintain that no earthly efforts of sinful, disobedient, wilful, ungovernable, imperfect mankind can nor will ever resolve this nor turn this situation around, instead, I truly believe that only direct divine intervention can possibly hope to defeat the evil that is in complete control of our world right now - we are dealing with far greater enemies than we have ever dealt with at any point in our history, recorded or otherwise 

  • Terrible. It happened to me last year, more my fault for agreeing to help from MH services. I hope things change in the future. Hospital is no place for an autistic person.

  • Yeah that's true. Fifty years ago if you were autistic and didn't hide it you were detained and treated in hospital in some cases. At least now we can be ourselves without fear of that happening. Though neurotypicals don't understand at least we don't have to hide who we are.

  • I’m not saying everything is great, but almost every measure is vastly better than 50 years ago.