Christmas shopping. SOS. SEND HELP!

It's that time of the year again when my Good Lady decides she needs to go in to the heart of the big bustling town to do her Christmas shopping. I have tried to convey to her that online shopping is not only cheaper but also far less hassle. However as usual she is not listening to me and is set in her ways.

But it gets worse...

She wants me to not only take her to town but also to go shopping with her!!!

It will be nice to get out for a bit, she tells me.

So quite naturally I have been trying my best to get out of this all week but I am quite depressed to announce my cunning ploys have all failed and I am driving in to London this morning. Drat.

I had pretended to be ill but she didn't believe me. I hid in my study but she found me. The woman is determined, I will give her that.

So, my granddaughter who also has autism has given me tips on how to get through today. I'm glad she has autism, we help each other through the challenges life throws.

I have her tips to assist me today.

This morning I have checked the tyre pressure on the Rolls. All good. I've checked the oil. All good. I started it to go to the post office and it started.

However if by some miracle you are able to save me from this dreadful situation then please do send help to get me out of it! 

  • I would like to offer thanks and regards to you all for your thoughtful comments during my torturous endeavours yesterday. It is true at times I wept like a baby but somehow I survived the ordeal. Thank you for your thoughtfulness. Its nice knowing I have this community to turn to when I need to.

    One must confess that my Good Lady is not the ogress I dressed her up as. She was quite understanding yesterday. Before we left she did offer to find other means of transport to get to London, her favourite alternative choice was going with her best friend and local Know-It-All Madge, who I have to tell you is an irritating sort and I had to make a choice there and then. Well, there really was no choice. I had to go at this point as afterwards Madge would have come in and then it’s impossible to get rid of her for at least three hours, sometimes longer than that. I must say Mr. Spergs suggestions were tempting for Madge... But one must remain strong and keep on the road of sanity.

    But my Good Lady did offer and for that I am grateful. She doesn’t understand all of my autism and how certain things affect me but she does understand some and I am also grateful for that.

    The drive in to London was long, exhausting and somewhat boring. I was driving for rather a long time and appeared to be making little progress. The centre of London was chaotic. My Good Lady could see I was uncomfortable just being in the car and suggested I wait in the car and listened to my Roy Orbison cassette. Again, I was grateful and said if she wouldn’t mind.

    So that’s what I did. I thought for a moment, perhaps the Good Lord above was smiling down on me, a glimmer of hope in my eye. But as usual He was not smiling down on me, merely getting my hopes up... My cassette player unit had stopped working. No Roy Orbison for me. The radio was also out of commission despite working flawlessly on the last weekend. I suspect a fuse has blown, or the cable has come detached somehow. A little job for me over this week at some point... No rest for the wicked!

    There was a lot of people present. Shoppers hungry for Christmas bargains. It was like being at the zoo and watching the animals in their enclosures. I felt safe in the motor car though and remained eternally grateful that I could be there. So with no music to hear I strategically nipped out of the car and fetched my newspaper, crossword and notebook from the boot. Always prepared. I lit my pipe and then read my newspaper and attempted the crossword.

    My Good Lady was remarkably fast, unusual for her as she has a dodgy hip but when she returned she said she was worried about me on my own. She also bought me a candy cane. Very thoughtful indeed.

    One feels rather proud of himself right now. Yesterday was hard indeed but I am glad I was able to do it. I am an old fossil now some may say so I must act grownup, sometimes.

    Thank you again good people for your words yesterday. I have read them all and give you thanks.



  • Whooo go you! ^-^ 

    I'm glad it went well and you were ok. Really good to hear.

    Have a lovely day :) 

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