What do you like about Christmas?

It's nearly Christmas and I've read a few things that most of us dislike about Christmas...loads of people in busy shops and towns...bright lights...loud music and for me the worst is the visiting relatives. I love all my relatives but at Christmas it's so much going on and so much to process I can't cope with them. There's so much happening at Christmas time it's a lot to process and deal with and it lasts such a long time. We're going Christmas shopping next weekend *gulp* so I've got to try and prepare myself for this.

But the point of this thread isn't to look at the negatives it's to look at the positives...the things we DO like about Christmas... SnowmanChristmas tree 

What do you like about Christmas?

I'm a big music fan and I love Christmas music, when it's played quietly OC. One of my favourite things is sitting by the Christmas tree, my earphones in, listening to Christmas music.

I also love to watch Christmas films. I like being in my bed, snuggled up under my duvet with my bears watching my fave Christmas films.

Other than that there's not really a lot I like about Christmas lololol Joy

  • What do I like about Christmas? 

    The annual Christmas Tree Festival in an ancient local Parish Church - I was christened in that church, so I feel a lifelong association...

    Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve (same church). As a child I was obliged to be in the church choir - part of my mother's 'fitting in' endeavors... I actually liked doing that, there weren't many of us, I like singing, and the choir was led by my music teacher at school, who was really nice. I remember practicing for Christmas services- and Midnight Mass in particular, it has a set order, so it was reliable and had all the best songs...

    Christmas Lights, always loved them, pretty and strangely comforting. And because they're temporary, which makes them special.

    Long walks with my lovely dog! Slight smile

    Being able to shut the doors for a couple of weeks and see absolutely nobody, if I want....

    I am always invited, for mince pies, by an old school... friend? I suppose so. He's a G.P. now. 

    I generally decline, as it seems simpler not to.

    Christmas company doesn't interest me much, if at all! 

  • I've never been to Midnight Mass.  I think I'd enjoy it.

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