Autism aggression

Is it inevitable that as people with Autism grow their meltdowns become worse and they become more aggressive with them? or does this very much depend on each individual? 

  • For me it depends on the familiarity with the frustrating trigger event. For me if Ive dealt with the trigger impediment before, the meltdown may be as simple as a little slapping on the table loudly (one of the things I have had to watch out for in public situations as it freaks peeps right the ef out. It's VERY loud.)

    But if it s a novel situation or a displaced trauma trigger from very very long ago that blindsides me it can be vary bad, in which case I run for a toilet stall/stairwell/back alley/etc.

    It also depends on how "safe" I feel to do so as my childhood involved corporal punishments for such things.If I have to bottle it I just get sick instead.

    So I would say it would depend on how much latitude a, AS child had in the formative years.

  • That's so wrong, punishment for meltdowns related to autism are more rare now but t does still happen (not corporal punishment, at least not in the UK) now most adults use a more therapeutic approach or at least a kinder approach once they know something about Autism

  • That's so wrong, punishment for meltdowns related to autism are more rare now but t does still happen (not corporal punishment, at least not in the UK) now most adults use a more therapeutic approach or at least a kinder approach once they know something about Autism

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