Anxiety with buying presents

This is probably my least fave part of Christmas the buying presents.

I never know what to buy people. The presents I normally buy end up forgotten about or thrown away later on the next year, I think people think I forgot I bought it but I don't I always remember. The only person who keeps what I buy is my father. I normally get him records and he seems to really appreciate it.

Everyone else gets rid so I guess I don't buy what they like.

This year at school we've got secret Santa again! Well early as usual but I appreciate the earlyness as I don't have any idea what I'll be getting for Talis (girl in my class) I know nothing about her and what she likes. We sit together in some classes but I still don't know about her. 

I hate present buying. The whole idea makes me anxious and I've not got any of my family a single present yet either.

Parents Reply
  • Nah I'm afraid I'm pulling your leg a bit Zengarden, I used to have a library card as a teenager and I've accidentally "bought" so many library books before in replacement fees because the late fees would mount up on books I'd always misplace because of my ADHD, only to have the book turn up several months later after I already paid the replacement fee, I'm better off going to Waterstones lol at least that way I can lose and refind my own books in my own time. I always felt bad for folk at the library no doubt not able to replace some books because they were out of print. TBH I'm surprised they never revoked my library card because of the many times it happened that way.

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