Anxiety with buying presents

This is probably my least fave part of Christmas the buying presents.

I never know what to buy people. The presents I normally buy end up forgotten about or thrown away later on the next year, I think people think I forgot I bought it but I don't I always remember. The only person who keeps what I buy is my father. I normally get him records and he seems to really appreciate it.

Everyone else gets rid so I guess I don't buy what they like.

This year at school we've got secret Santa again! Well early as usual but I appreciate the earlyness as I don't have any idea what I'll be getting for Talis (girl in my class) I know nothing about her and what she likes. We sit together in some classes but I still don't know about her. 

I hate present buying. The whole idea makes me anxious and I've not got any of my family a single present yet either.

  • I've never had truffles but I think my mum likes them and I know dad would love boozy ones lolol. I would love to make some chocolate. I make chocolate chip cookies from time to timeGrinning 

    I'm looking forward to Christmas but at home enjoying the music and movies. I love Christmas music and movies, for me it's the best part.

  • For a good many years, it became a tradition for me to make a large batch of boozy homemade chocolate truffles, which I would then give as gifts to my family. For me, the fun part was tasting the truffle mix to ensure it tasted just right. Grin  

    Currently, I think I feel indifferent about Christmas. I'm not feeling majorly excited about it, but I'm not dreading it either.

  • These are all really useful ideas thanks so much Slight smile 

    I think this is my biggest problem with buying presents.....there is literally so much to consider...

    Will she want this? Would she use it? What if she hates it? What if she gets bored? Is she interested in this sort of thing?

    It's a weird one because we spend a lot of time together but I literally don't know anything about her and she doesn't know me either. I don't know who my secret Santa is but for sure he or she will have no idea what to get! 

    Thank you for your helpful list of suggestions though this is useful and I've copy and pasted it in to my notes Blush

  • I don't like the sitting around watching people open gifts either lol it's so anxious and off putting. I like watching my older brother open his gifts though he's nearly 30 but he's so hyped for Christmas and childlike it's adorable.

  • I like the idea of a hair brush Grinning 

    I got a new hair brush last year it also lights up which I thought was a really nice touch. My dad got me that. I use it every day. 

    Taking note of what people already have and like is a good suggestion. I need to take more note TBH because I live with my parents and sisters and brother but I literally no nothing about them like Joyat lololol Joy 

    I try to pay attention but I'm always busy trying to process stuff and keep my anxiety under control lol.

  • Lolol IKR the weather defins warrants a umbrella LaughingLaughingLaughing 

    She is sporty so I did consider getting her something like sport socks cause I seen she wears them during PE.

    I thought of asking her but you know I haven't actually spoken to her properly at all this year and she doesn't really say much either just hi and bye. I wonder if she's got autism as well I have thought of asking but so far I just say hi.Joy

    I had maths with her this afternoon and guess what still not able to talk to her. My social interaction skills are abysmal lololol. I would love to be friends with her though but I don't know how to do it and strike up a convo.

  • Planning is everything right? I try to prepare for everything... especially Christmas... It needs so much preparation. 

  • Mmmm chocolate!!! 

    One of my favourite parts of Christmas but this year my digestion is all over the place and chocolate triggers so much pain and wind so no more for me lol.

    I love the Celebrations....and mint chocolate! Stuck out tongue

  • I used to love charity shops but even their to busy for me now....I do all my shopping on ebay and Amazon! Town is too busy this time of year. I only go in to town to walk to school and then I literally running all the way back lololol.

  • The approach to Christmas is the most anxious and frightening time for me. It feels like everything gets busy and noisy and I just want to hide under my bed until it's over lolol.

    I like Christmas but I hate it at the same time!

    I wish I could spend it on my own where the Christmas hype can't get to me.

  • Buzz buzz lololol Joy 

    That's probably the best idea lolol nice and simple and then she doesn't end up with a gift she hates lol. 

    Thanks for the awesome idea bees! BeeBeeBee

  • Makes sense doing it in advance I try to do that as well lolol just so I don't have to go out and be seenJoy

    I've managed to buy some DVDs online but that's it so far. My mum is saying about going in to town next week but I'm already terrified lololol.

  • ,

    Thanks for your helpful suggestions. I like the idea of baking something from home like some cupcakes or something..... something cool anyway. I'd love to get her something bee related but not sure she's interested in bees like I am LMAO.

    I like the idea of a gift card as well Grinning my mum also suggested this idea.

    Are you looking forward to Christmas? I am. I'm just hoping it will be quiet I hate how busy it all gets.

  • I really love buying presents for people- I miss that I don’t get to do it much anymore since I moved out from home (tight budget and not many people to give things to). 
    Here are some tips/ how I go about it

    - think about what you know about the person you are getting a present for - what do they enjoy doing, what do they need, what are their hobbies. 

    - useful presents are often really nice- I got my mum a really good toaster 2 years ago actually as she loves toasted bread (and her toaster was very old). Or if they love drinking tea, why not get a mug and some nice tea? Or hot chocolate? I also got my mum a fun pizza cutter - not essential but she loves pizza and didn’t have one. Or a fun cooking kit if they like cooking.

    - you could get something related to their hobbies- though I would be careful as if they are very into a hobby they might already have it or prefer to pick it themselves (for example my stepfather is crazy about old cars and the miniature car models, books on cars etc.), i wouldn't risk getting a car related gift unless i was sure he didn’t have it yet and wanted it. But if someone loves hiking, you could get them a gift voucher at an outdoor store. 

    - or if you are very unsure an amazon gift voucher is safe. 

    - food- if you know what they like this could be a good gift. Some nice chocolates or it doesn’t have to be sweet. Could get them an assortment of fancier food they would not spend on usually. Or a meal out at their favourite restaurant? Or you could bake or make a food gift yourself like some cookies. and if you can combine some of the things they like into 1 even better- i have a friend who loves penguins and chocolate and i managed to find penguin shaped chocolates for her. I also sometimes like to write up a recipe as part of a gift and then include something that is needed ( like a cookie cutter and spekulatius spice together wih the recipe ) 

    - if they like gardening, seeds or a plant could be nice.

    — of course books or board games or puzzles are options but only if you know that they would enjoy these and feel confident picking. 

    there are so many options so it can be hard to choose but personally I try to match gifts to their interests - if i can I go for gifts i know they will use and i also tend to pick things that appeal to me as well. It can be a lot of fun !!

  • Nah I'm afraid I'm pulling your leg a bit Zengarden, I used to have a library card as a teenager and I've accidentally "bought" so many library books before in replacement fees because the late fees would mount up on books I'd always misplace because of my ADHD, only to have the book turn up several months later after I already paid the replacement fee, I'm better off going to Waterstones lol at least that way I can lose and refind my own books in my own time. I always felt bad for folk at the library no doubt not able to replace some books because they were out of print. TBH I'm surprised they never revoked my library card because of the many times it happened that way.

  • I dont like giving presents because 1, I dont know what they want, 2, What if someone gets them the same gift. I dont like recieving gifts because 1, I dont know how to respond other than an awkward thank you, and 2, what if I get two of the same and then Ill freak out because I know the other people must be freaking out, and 3, its just kind of weird to stare at people opening gifts

  • I do all my present buying online. The shops are too busy for my liking and cause me too much anxiety that's why I stick with buying online. I buy clothes and small gifts for my family, like my little brother loves dogs and Pugs so last year I bought him a Pug squeeze toy and a Pug jumper.

    I try to observe what the people around me like and enjoy, this makes buying presents for them a little easier. Sometimes I go in to their rooms and see what they already have and that makes it easier to choose what to buy.

    The girl at your school, maybe you could buy her a hair brush? Something she will be able to use and enjoy every day. And it will make her feel good about herself...

    Every girl loves doing her hair right? Stuck out tongue I would love a new hairbrush for Christmas!

  • This year at school we've got secret Santa again! Well early as usual but I appreciate the earlyness as I don't have any idea what I'll be getting for Talis (girl in my class) I know nothing about her and what she likes. We sit together in some classes but I still don't know about her. 

    With the British weather, why not get a cute umbrella (see if she has any print on her bag / phone cover etc) and help her stay dry in the rain.

    Is she sporty? Maybe get a water bottle with carry handle.

    You could always break the barrier and speak to her - ask her what she wants and it may 1) get her a present she wants and 2) make a new friend.

  • aye my sisters boyfriend doesnt like chocolate.... but yeah i dont count him lol

  • I plan, in advance.

    My friend's Sixtieth is on New Year's Day, six weeks from now. But, for Christmas, I'll get him a small gift, saving the big one for his birthday.