Anxiety with buying presents

This is probably my least fave part of Christmas the buying presents.

I never know what to buy people. The presents I normally buy end up forgotten about or thrown away later on the next year, I think people think I forgot I bought it but I don't I always remember. The only person who keeps what I buy is my father. I normally get him records and he seems to really appreciate it.

Everyone else gets rid so I guess I don't buy what they like.

This year at school we've got secret Santa again! Well early as usual but I appreciate the earlyness as I don't have any idea what I'll be getting for Talis (girl in my class) I know nothing about her and what she likes. We sit together in some classes but I still don't know about her. 

I hate present buying. The whole idea makes me anxious and I've not got any of my family a single present yet either.

  • i dont buy presents for anyone. i just treat it as another day.

    but if i had to my go to would be going for simple thing everyone would like... like a bar of chocolate.... and yeah think on it, thats more appreciated than anything else.... everyone likes chocolate, they will consume it and not throw it away, they will enjoy it. 

  • Not everyone likes chocolate Caelus. There are a lot of people who just don't have a sweet tooth and will only eat savoury food. I'm not one of them though as I love chocolate and have a terrible sweet tooth.

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