What music are you listening to?

I thought I'd make my own thread for this :–) 

I've got a lot of CDs and have been listening to them a lot more recently.

I'm currently listening to my Disney princess CD ^^

Parents Reply
  • you are very pretty. I love your earrings. Do you still have those?

    That's 40 years ago, so I think 'were' is best!

    Thanks though for the younger me.

    No, those were clip-on earrings and they are very long gone.

    Some things I can't wear whether it's clothing or jewellery.

    Me too.

    In fact, sensory issues with clothes and jewellery have got much worse over the decades.

    I still have jewellery but I never wear it, sadly.

  • I find it hard to get rid of the things I own but I've got loads of items like clothing that I never wear and probably should get rid off but can't bring myself to do it.

    Yes. We should definitely share our different jewellery.

  • It does look nice though so sometimes I'll get it out my case and admire it. 

    I do similar and I also have nice glass case to keep my jewellery in.

    I have given away and sold tons over the years.

    There is a 'show your collection' thread so maybe we need to show our jewellery Blush

  • You're welcome Slight smile

    Shame about your earrings. I keep all my earrings in a nice case, it was a present for my 18th birthday. I don't wear jewellery often either it can be very uncomfortable and isn't really worth the hassle it causes. It does look nice though so sometimes I'll get it out my case and admire it.