What music are you listening to?

I thought I'd make my own thread for this :–) 

I've got a lot of CDs and have been listening to them a lot more recently.

I'm currently listening to my Disney princess CD ^^

Parents Reply
  • Oh I loved that song! I don’t think ive heard it before. It makes me want to put headphones on and really immerse myself in it! I love that you can hear his accent when he sings. His tone is incredible.

    Concerts are extremely stressful. They’re soo much going on around you and worst bit I find is that you can’t just get out of it and get home when you need too as there’s so many people and always feels like a maze. I don’t think I could cope with going to a concert anymore. But so glad I did manage the opportunity I had to see him when I did. 

    This is one of my repeat watch over’s on you tube. It’s him in the radio one live lounge singing Taylor Swift. Have a listen, see what you think… 


