What music are you listening to?

I thought I'd make my own thread for this :–) 

I've got a lot of CDs and have been listening to them a lot more recently.

I'm currently listening to my Disney princess CD ^^

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  • You are very welcome!

    Already feel calmer knowing that I can put headphones in.

    That’s good!

  • Thank you! 
    Already feel calmer knowing that I can put headphones in. I’ve also just been moved to a quieter smaller ward which i so desperately needed as I start getting paranoia when I’m feeling out of control. 
    Hoping for a much better night sleep! 

  • So some time out listening to music I think will go down well :) 

    Exactly! I hope you can get into a flow state whilst listening to music and drown out  the chaos of the hospital ward!

     I hope you get the care you need and feel better soon! Smile

  • They think it’s appendicitis. So just on a lot of IV antibiotics so not feeling great! Luckily my friend bought me up some much needed headphones this afternoon. Not being in my own space, coping with the noises of a ward and out of routine means that I’m not coping well. So some time out listening to music I think will go down well :) 

  • Thank you! Not really but I’m in the right place! :) 

  • That’s a shame! I hope you are ok?

  • Hope you're ok!

  • Sooo annoyed. Ended up in hospital and forgot to pack my headphones. Have ear buds to block out noise but nothing to play music on and not sure the ward would appreciate my Cat Burns deep dive out loud  :) lol 

  • Oh yes. I really really like it! I’ve never heard of her!
    Got myself stuck in a Cat Burns black hole on you tube this morning! Love it when that happens.

    Really like ‘live more and love more’

    ahh thank you for introducing me to someone new! 

    You are very welcome! Cat Burns is an autistic ADHDer and I think a lot of her songs reflect different aspects of autistic experiences - maybe it’s just my interpretation.. For example, ‘people pleaser’ may be about autistic masking. What do you think?

     I really like ‘live more, love more’ it is very positive!

    I have an even more biased opinion of her because she is autistic! She has such a clear and honest voice!

    Enjoy your Cat Burn’s music deep dive!Smile

  • Oh yes. I really really like it! I’ve never heard of her!
    Got myself stuck in a Cat Burns black hole on you tube this morning! Love it when that happens.

    Really like ‘live more and love more’

    ahh thank you for introducing me to someone new! 

  • I have listened to the song, thanks for sharing! I like Dermot Kennedy‘s version much better than the original!

     I have added it to my stim songs playlist! I have also been listening to autistic ADHD singer Cat Burns recently, I really like her songs including this one;

    Emotionally Unavailable:


    Do you like it?

  • Thanks! I love sharing our favourite songs!

    But so glad I did manage the opportunity I had to see him when I did. 

    It was obviously a great achievement for you!

  • Oh I loved that song! I don’t think ive heard it before. It makes me want to put headphones on and really immerse myself in it! I love that you can hear his accent when he sings. His tone is incredible.

    Concerts are extremely stressful. They’re soo much going on around you and worst bit I find is that you can’t just get out of it and get home when you need too as there’s so many people and always feels like a maze. I don’t think I could cope with going to a concert anymore. But so glad I did manage the opportunity I had to see him when I did. 

    This is one of my repeat watch over’s on you tube. It’s him in the radio one live lounge singing Taylor Swift. Have a listen, see what you think… 



  • So glad you enjoyed the song! You have a very poetic way of describing his voice, It's great that you enjoyed seeing him live. Obviously you were immersed so much in his music, that it surpassed the potential sensory overload! Pure sensory joy, instead of sensory hell!

    Thanks for the recommendation, I completely understand what you mean about sensory overload. It's the entire reason why I don't go to concerts they just seem unnecessarily stressful! I much prefer stimming to his songs on repeat via Youtube.

    What about this song? What do you think?

    Dancing under Red Skies:


  • Ah just watched that link! He is so good. His voice really just touches the soul or something. 
    I would highly recommend watching him live if you get the opportunity and it’s something that you can manage. It’s a massive fear of mine, being around so many people due to the big sensory overload, but if you can manage it, it was incredible. I saw him at quite a small venue so it was much more manageable! 

  • I love innocence and sadness, and something to someone

    So do I! I love the song Innocence and Sadness, it has great emotional depth! I quite like Dreamer by Dermot Kennedy, it is quite calming:



    It must have been a great experience to see Dermot Kennedy live!

    I haven't watched the documentary in full but it has good reviews and won a National Television Award recently.

  • I love innocence and sadness, and something to someone. What about you? I’ve been lucky enough to see him live, was incredible. 

    ah I haven’t watched the documentary, I really want too and it’s on my to do list, just struggling to concentrate on things at the moment. Have you seen it? Worth watching?