What was your school like?

I didn't like school much espech secondary because it was a huge school and I was bullied a lot

Primary school was ok at first because I went to a really small school which was actually an old building

This was it

It's since been turned in to flats sadly :( 

My secondary school was monstrous lol XD I hated it from start to finish.

I enjoyed learning but I would have preferred doing it from home :) 

Sometimes I miss school but mostly its bad memories.

In the hall at my first school we did a Christmas show and sang silent night together my mum has it on video it's a strange video because I'm only small and don't really look like me now.

  • School........

    The worst years of my life from the beginning to the end. Primary was ok, I didn't enjoy it but it didn't have the pressures that secondary school did. Secondary school was the worst by a country mile. A huge and loud environment with the pressures of exams thrown in there as well.

    My autistic struggles shone through like a beacon during my time at secondary school, meltdowns were frequent and the staff didn't seem to notice. That or they didn't care. They left me to it, one teacher Miss Gibson would give me detention for misbehaving. It was during secondary school when I started to mask, something I still do now but try not to because of the health problems it causes.

    School is something I didn't enjoy.

  • The teachers knew all long I could be autistic and did nothing.

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