What was your school like?

I didn't like school much espech secondary because it was a huge school and I was bullied a lot

Primary school was ok at first because I went to a really small school which was actually an old building

This was it

It's since been turned in to flats sadly :( 

My secondary school was monstrous lol XD I hated it from start to finish.

I enjoyed learning but I would have preferred doing it from home :) 

Sometimes I miss school but mostly its bad memories.

In the hall at my first school we did a Christmas show and sang silent night together my mum has it on video it's a strange video because I'm only small and don't really look like me now.

  • My time at secondary school was SHEER HELL. I was bullied constantly, because I was 'different', by both kids and a certain Art teacher. I still have genuine PTSD from this time in my life.

  • (Sorry, this is getting silly!)

    No apology needed, you have supplied today's 1st giggle Blush

    No mean achievement.

  • Yes, the bog-snorkelers often get in early, as they get accreditation for prior learning. That and the dyslexic witches wanting to make wicca baskets.  (Sorry, this is getting silly!)

  • Thanks Ian.

    Now there is a move to offer apprenticeships and for schools to offer BTEC and the new T-Levels. Hopefully, there will be more technical and vocation in future - we certainly need it if we are to grow the economy.

    That throws some light on the present situation for me, and is hopeful.

    I  wanted to study Underwater Basket-weaving, but sadly the course was full.

  • Unfortunately, we had a national policy that 50% of the population should get university degrees, even if they ended up in debt with a Third in Underwater Basket-weaving or something equally stupid.  Now there is a move to offer apprenticeships and for schools to offer BTEC and the new T-Levels. Hopefully, there will be more technical and vocation in future - we certainly need it if we are to grow the economy.

  • wow that's deep . i never got any help with my mental health in high school in glasgow it was as hard as it can get

  • Children need to stay in school until there ready and fully matured for the real world.

    Now children are grown up before there ready adds a lot of pressure on them in an already pressuring world.

    Exams are brutal! Lol I remember mine 2 years ago really tough.

    Having now finished school I didn't learn much about life and valuable skills I think more important stuff needs to be taught

  • Ha ha. Could well be. Flouride additive! Yeah right. Lol. 

    Glad school is behind me. I just would like the years to stop rushing past now. Im well on my way to middle age. 

    I make noises when i bend to pick things off the floor. 

  • Ah I'm a bit further east than that- but not by much! Maybe there's something in the water...? Joy

  • We could have done!!!! Just north of London. Just outside the M25. 

  • Autism biographies are really interesting and some can be very inspiring ^^

  • PE teacher used to send me equipment home. Absolutely single out.

  • The teachers knew all long I could be autistic and did nothing.

  • Great job on getting in to teaching Pegg :) 

    I bet your a lovely teacher. Will be really good as well if you get any autistic children in your class ^^

  • First school the WC were in an outside block. Also everything was on one level. Had to go to the middle school for school dinners/packed lunch. Now turned into soical housing.

    Middle school had a library, WC in an outside block and water fountains. Now it's age restricted apartments, social housing and retirement apartments (service charge and no warden on site. Everyone knows the entry code);

    Then my education went bit weird. I was bullied.

  • School........

    The worst years of my life from the beginning to the end. Primary was ok, I didn't enjoy it but it didn't have the pressures that secondary school did. Secondary school was the worst by a country mile. A huge and loud environment with the pressures of exams thrown in there as well.

    My autistic struggles shone through like a beacon during my time at secondary school, meltdowns were frequent and the staff didn't seem to notice. That or they didn't care. They left me to it, one teacher Miss Gibson would give me detention for misbehaving. It was during secondary school when I started to mask, something I still do now but try not to because of the health problems it causes.

    School is something I didn't enjoy.

  • Your experiences do sound similar Roy. The way you describe that snapping moment really resonates with me - it was exactly like that. I'd just had enough. Other times since when I've just had enough it's led to disconnect, not violence - I don't think I've felt rage on that level since. Probably just as well! 

    My brother gew up with fires, because we heated the house with them - it was fairly remote and off grid - still is. He did like to burn things - all without notice, since he didn't speak for most of his childhood. The zenith of his burning career was setting the house on fire on Christmas Day...Neutral face

    I'm glad to be back in a teaching environment too - I think! Sweat smile

  • ...and now I'm wondering what teacher would have said had she seen my spelling of 'allowed' in the text of my previous post quoted by Debbie.    Oh dear......


  • You have highlighted why I don't understand why these type of schools went. My autistic son is in his last year of Secondary school and the high concentration of written work, reading etc. has been a challenge.