What was your school like?

I didn't like school much espech secondary because it was a huge school and I was bullied a lot

Primary school was ok at first because I went to a really small school which was actually an old building

This was it

It's since been turned in to flats sadly :( 

My secondary school was monstrous lol XD I hated it from start to finish.

I enjoyed learning but I would have preferred doing it from home :) 

Sometimes I miss school but mostly its bad memories.

In the hall at my first school we did a Christmas show and sang silent night together my mum has it on video it's a strange video because I'm only small and don't really look like me now.

  • My senior school was dire really.

    It was Secondary Modern because I didn't pass the 11+ and there was no expectation of exams being taken so the education was poor.

    My education was only salvaged by it becoming Comprehensive and a grammar school closing.

    That meant that the pupils and teachers joined us.

    I went from being bottom of the top class to being top of the top class.

    However, bullied horribly, physically and verbally, throughout.

    i think with private schools too though its a effect that the kids there want a education.
    while in anything free, its more a prison camp and the kids hate being there, they are not there to learn they are forced there against their will so they get aggressive.
    I can safely say that I certainly don't miss school and being forced to learn about subjects that I had little interest in.

    These 2 comments set me thinking.

    I don't know much about modern schooling as I haven't had children.

    However, do we need something different where perhaps children can learn a skill for jobs rather than learning stuff they don't want to?

    Should children be able to leave school earlier than they do (my mum left at 14)?

  • Our experience has not been so positive regarding vocational training or less academic subjects. In our area it seems to depend on how many pupils need a non GCSE course and if they have enough staff to do both. I think the system where you could choose CSEs was better than getting a non pass at GCSE. At college however the level 1 courses seem to be more practical and you can re take English and Maths. I remember a friend with an autistic son saying he chose to do a theatre course at college but his difficulty was the academic bit.

  • Our experience has not been so positive regarding vocational training or less academic subjects. In our area it seems to depend on how many pupils need a non GCSE course and if they have enough staff to do both. I think the system where you could choose CSEs was better than getting a non pass at GCSE. At college however the level 1 courses seem to be more practical and you can re take English and Maths. I remember a friend with an autistic son saying he chose to do a theatre course at college but his difficulty was the academic bit.

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