What was your school like?

I didn't like school much espech secondary because it was a huge school and I was bullied a lot

Primary school was ok at first because I went to a really small school which was actually an old building

This was it

It's since been turned in to flats sadly :( 

My secondary school was monstrous lol XD I hated it from start to finish.

I enjoyed learning but I would have preferred doing it from home :) 

Sometimes I miss school but mostly its bad memories.

In the hall at my first school we did a Christmas show and sang silent night together my mum has it on video it's a strange video because I'm only small and don't really look like me now.

  • my primary school was ok. the teachers taught, you learned stuff, the other kids in lessons were perhaps too young to act out so they behaved in class so no disruption so the class could function. so you learned successfully. it was a church of england school so maybe the religious churchy schools have more discipline and control and function better? ...i thought i had friends in it but didnt really, but that was ok, as i didnt realise i didnt have friends until the start of high school or end of this school then it became clear.

    high school was aweful, everyone was arseholes, everyone you knew from primary who went there suddenly turned into arseholes too to stick in with the crowd which were all that way. it was more exclusionary so the fact i had no friends was made very clear. everyone was aggressive and even the girls were aggressive and chavvy.. my time in high school was the prime time and peak of chav culture... so everyone was a obnoxious aggressive chav that idolised drugs and alcohol and other things they shouldnt be into at that age. classes couldnt be taught because the students were loud and aggressive and even attacked the teacher in class... no learning could be done, it was a total waste of time and was just forced abuse every day. i believe education fails in high school and that high schools need to be revised or banned and changed to something else entirely. given the state of the kids at that phase.... id say most of them should be tossed into some prison school or military bootcamp that would discipline them properly.

  • my primary school was ok. the teachers taught, you learned stuff, the other kids in lessons were perhaps too young to act out so they behaved in class so no disruption so the class could function. so you learned successfully. it was a church of england school so maybe the religious churchy schools have more discipline and control and function better? ...i thought i had friends in it but didnt really, but that was ok, as i didnt realise i didnt have friends until the start of high school or end of this school then it became clear.

    high school was aweful, everyone was arseholes, everyone you knew from primary who went there suddenly turned into arseholes too to stick in with the crowd which were all that way. it was more exclusionary so the fact i had no friends was made very clear. everyone was aggressive and even the girls were aggressive and chavvy.. my time in high school was the prime time and peak of chav culture... so everyone was a obnoxious aggressive chav that idolised drugs and alcohol and other things they shouldnt be into at that age. classes couldnt be taught because the students were loud and aggressive and even attacked the teacher in class... no learning could be done, it was a total waste of time and was just forced abuse every day. i believe education fails in high school and that high schools need to be revised or banned and changed to something else entirely. given the state of the kids at that phase.... id say most of them should be tossed into some prison school or military bootcamp that would discipline them properly.

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