Doctor Who!

Talk to me Doctor Who fans Grin 

Who is your favourite Doctor?

Who is your favourite companion?

What's your favourite story?

  • My favourite Doctor from the first run is Tom Baker, and my favourite from the current run is David Tennant. I'm actually a massive David Tennant fan in general- I've been to see him in a few plays as well as on TV.

    My favourite companion... I'll have to do one from each run again and say Sarah Jane and Bill.

    The story that sticks in my mind isn't actually a favourite- it's The Green Death. I saw it when I was little and those big maggots terrified me. I had nightmares about them for years!

  • My favourite Doctor from the first run is Tom Baker, and my favourite from the current run is David Tennant. I'm actually a massive David Tennant fan in general- I've been to see him in a few plays as well as on TV.

    My favourite companion... I'll have to do one from each run again and say Sarah Jane and Bill.

    The story that sticks in my mind isn't actually a favourite- it's The Green Death. I saw it when I was little and those big maggots terrified me. I had nightmares about them for years!
