What's your fav TV show that you always go back to?

Mine is Columbo!

It's way before my time but I watched it first with my parents when I was 14 and I've been hooked ever since. I love his character, I love the plots for the eps and I love the humour which I do understand for once..

Just one more thing!

It won 13 Emmys.

  • Doctor Who (and its expanded spinoffs universe) - my television soulmate - is such a constant fixation in my life that for decades there's been no gap long enough to fit  'going back to' in the sense I think you might mean - ie. an old friend taken down off the shelf and dusted off and fallen in love with/watch all over again. 

    Some ones that fall into that dormancy/re-activation cycle:

    Blake's 7

    Northern Exposure

    Star Cops

    Sapphire and Steel

    Oh yes, Columbo is great comfort watching. There's a series they should never try to re-make (I hate remakes in general): Peter Falk is irreplaceable. 

  • I see you're a 5th Doctor fan. Good one! I love Peter Davison as the Doctor, I also thought he had a great group as his Team Tardis - Nyssa, Adric and Tegan. I often find the modern companions aren't especially good or maybe that's just me lol.

    Do you have a fav ep? I liked The Visitation and Black Orchid with 5. I thought they were seriously underrated.

  • Who's your own favourite? And story too, if I may ask?

  • So do I! I think he will bring a different perspective.

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