I used the most deadly thing known to man, woman and beast. . . .

The hoover! Joy

I always put off hoovering because they are so loud and irritating for me. Oversensitivity to sound is unpleasant in many ways but for me, the hoover is the worst sound in the world, followed closely by the sound of babies crying, (sorry babies, I know you can't help it!)Stuck out tongue closed eyes.

I dust and clean regularly but admittedly I don't hoover as much as I probably should. Today however I decided to be brave and go for it. It was a success. I wore my headphones, I fought back the tears and I put the hoover round. I'll do it again now next year.


One point for TS. Star2

  • Lol congratulations. You're braver than me I haven't used the hoover in ages XD 

    My mum does the hoovering usually at which point I go in the garden or luck myself in my room. My dad says I'm lazy but it's honestly not that I just can't stand the sound it goes right through me.

    Same with the washing machine and my hair dryer.

  • Yeah, hoovering.   No. Unamused

    Added to the terrible noise is my inability to comprehend anything with moving parts. 

    How do you get the attachments out? How do they fit together? How does this bit unclip? 


Reply Children
  • Yes please, I would buy it without hesitation.

  • Maybe I should make an easy to use silent hoover?

    I used to have one of these 30 years ago when I worked on a mainframe computer - they used to have a vacuum system with ports in the floors of the different rooms (this computer was the size of a football field with all the different bits of it - well it was the 1980s) and all you had to do was plug your hose into a port in the room you were in and you had instant, near silent suction.

    Of course the cost to buy a big compressor, air reservoir and plumbing to the whole house may make it a teent bit more expensive than a Dyson, but at least it is quiet.

  • Maybe I should make an easy to use silent hoover? I might be famous afterwards :p