I'm Feeling Proud!

Hi everyone. I’m L. I joined here a while ago but soon after I got really sick with Sepsis and it’s taken this long to recover.

I wanted to share this good news with everybody. I’m feeling proud of myself. I saw that this new Barbie film is out and playing at my local theatre so I did the unimaginable and went to the cinema! I was so anxious. And I did feel a little giddy a few times but I persevered and saw it through and it was a good experience! There were a lot of people but not as many as I thought there would be. Maybe it wasn’t a popular film? But I’m really glad I went and I feel so proud for going and seeing it through to the end. I had my earplugs, in case I needed to turn on some soothing music to calm myself and I also had my little comfort bear that I take with me whenever I go out.

Do you go to the cinema regularly? I’m not going to make a habit of this but I did enjoy the experience but personally feel a lot calmer and happier watching stuff on my computer and laptop at home.

Best wishes, L.

  • Congrats on getting over sepsis (an uphill battle if ever there was on, as I know from my dad's experience) and being able to reward yourself with a cinema trip. 

    I hadn't been to the cinema since 2019 until I met up with two friends the week before last to see Indiana Jones 5. To my astonishment, cinema had evolved in my absence, and the picture now extrudes to the side walls and not just the main screen. At first I couldn't handle it so used my hands to block out the extra 'wings' in order to see the traditional rectangle. But by the third scene where they used it (it's intermittent not constant) I was kind of on board and had adjusted. By the fifth such scene I was really rather into it! Of course, I'm sure it will only turn up in bit panoramic blockbusters but it was a new one one me. 

    Like you, I find the sound levels to be crazy loud - so I put my flare ear thingies in now at such events (cinema, live theatre/stand-up) and it helps a good bit to take the edge off even if it's still way louder than is needed,

    I'm not really a movies person - preferring archive television - the 'long form',  episodic watches - but every now and then it's fun to see something, either in company or alone. It's nice to experience both. Occasionally, seeing something you know is only a 'you' film, without the presaure of having to go 'well, what did you think?' at the end to a friend who's not been having such a good time with it but politely disguising that - allows you to just be in the moment, and reflect quietly as you leave, or sit through the whole credits pondering your feelings about it.  

  • I’m so sorry your dad went through that. I can honestly say having Sepsis is the worst experience of my life. I actually thought I was going to die. Never felt so bad in my entire life! Never want that again. I’m glad you enjoyed being at the cinema with your friends, once you had adjusted. I feel like it’s like being a fish taken to a new pond. It takes time to adjust to the lighting, the sounds around you, the new environment. And then once you’ve adjusted you can sit back and enjoy. That was what it was like for me. The screen was huge at my cinema too, pulled my eyes a little bit actually. I prefer smaller screens as they are easier to focus on. The sound was a bit overkill for me. I used my ear pods a few times when I needed them. Total lifesavers, I never go out without them anymore. I find them useful in almost all situations especially when I’m town in the shops. People can be loud and there’s so much else going on I quickly put them in and listen to a good song or calming sounds and it puts me at ease again. I like both DVDs and TV though I think I am more of a TV series. See you like Doctor Who. Me too! I binge watch Doctor Who and a lot of other TV series though I do like to watch films as well. I find watching stuff and listening to stuff relaxing. I enjoyed going to the cinema but it will probably be a long time before I go again.

  • I’m so sorry your dad went through that. I can honestly say having Sepsis is the worst experience of my life. I actually thought I was going to die. Never felt so bad in my entire life! Never want that again. I’m glad you enjoyed being at the cinema with your friends, once you had adjusted. I feel like it’s like being a fish taken to a new pond. It takes time to adjust to the lighting, the sounds around you, the new environment. And then once you’ve adjusted you can sit back and enjoy. That was what it was like for me. The screen was huge at my cinema too, pulled my eyes a little bit actually. I prefer smaller screens as they are easier to focus on. The sound was a bit overkill for me. I used my ear pods a few times when I needed them. Total lifesavers, I never go out without them anymore. I find them useful in almost all situations especially when I’m town in the shops. People can be loud and there’s so much else going on I quickly put them in and listen to a good song or calming sounds and it puts me at ease again. I like both DVDs and TV though I think I am more of a TV series. See you like Doctor Who. Me too! I binge watch Doctor Who and a lot of other TV series though I do like to watch films as well. I find watching stuff and listening to stuff relaxing. I enjoyed going to the cinema but it will probably be a long time before I go again.

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