Favourite time of the year?

I personally don't like summer. I find it too hot, too many people and much too bright for my liking.

Winter is my favourite time. I like how the trees look when they are bare. I love it when it's cooler outside. And because it's cold people don't go out as much which means I feel more comfortable to got myself.

Downside is Christmas, streets are well busy then but other than that it's all good.

  • My favourite is winter. I struggle with the heat but flourish in the cold.

    I'm hyper sensitive to the heat so the winter is kinder to me.

    I like Christmas, the tree, lights and decorations. Snow is nice when it comes but I rarely get snow where I am.

  • My favourite is winter. I struggle with the heat but flourish in the cold.

    I'm hyper sensitive to the heat so the winter is kinder to me.

    I like Christmas, the tree, lights and decorations. Snow is nice when it comes but I rarely get snow where I am.
