Favourite time of the year?

I personally don't like summer. I find it too hot, too many people and much too bright for my liking.

Winter is my favourite time. I like how the trees look when they are bare. I love it when it's cooler outside. And because it's cold people don't go out as much which means I feel more comfortable to got myself.

Downside is Christmas, streets are well busy then but other than that it's all good.

  • Autumn, spring, winter and summer dead last by a mile. 

    I don't do well in the heat, but winter gets too cold to do lots of things. I love walking, and there's no better weather for that than in spring and autumn. Also Christmas is super stressful for me. 

  • I get real affected by the heat as well. As soon as it's 20 degrees or more I'm overheating! 

    I find Christmas too busy and noisy when I'm out.

  • I can totally get how someone might love 25° even though I personally would prefer more like 15°. But I will never understand how people can claim to actually enjoy 30-35° weather. I feel like I'm being boiled in the shade and set on fire in the sun when it gets there. 

  • I can totally get how someone might love 25° even though I personally would prefer more like 15°. But I will never understand how people can claim to actually enjoy 30-35° weather. I feel like I'm being boiled in the shade and set on fire in the sun when it gets there. 
