Hot Weather

Do you guys cope well in hot weather? I don't to be honest. The heat slows me down and I struggle with drinking which makes it worse. It's led to me getting anxiety attacks when it starts to get hot. At the moment I'm getting about 23 degrees where I am but by the end of the week it could be 25 degrees. I remember last year and how we had 30+ degrees. Dreading that happening again this year. I try to drink water but not too much otherwise I get bloated. I suffer from IBS, pretty chronic most of the time so it isn't always easy to just drink because I get a lot of stomach cramps which stress contributes towards. I wish it was the winter again... I personally prefer the cooler weather.

  • This can be a problematic time for me due to the discomfort I experience when warm/hot. I’m very much a cold weather person. But it is something that aggravates the more obsessive side of my personality. I get very set on trying to keep the house as cool as possible and will become very tunnel visioned in trying to achieve the most efficient curtain/window opening schedule. I can be quite stressful and is another way I pile pressure on myself, which, when hot and bothered, can be an unfortunate combination.

  • This can be a problematic time for me due to the discomfort I experience when warm/hot. I’m very much a cold weather person. But it is something that aggravates the more obsessive side of my personality. I get very set on trying to keep the house as cool as possible and will become very tunnel visioned in trying to achieve the most efficient curtain/window opening schedule. I can be quite stressful and is another way I pile pressure on myself, which, when hot and bothered, can be an unfortunate combination.

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