Hot Weather

Do you guys cope well in hot weather? I don't to be honest. The heat slows me down and I struggle with drinking which makes it worse. It's led to me getting anxiety attacks when it starts to get hot. At the moment I'm getting about 23 degrees where I am but by the end of the week it could be 25 degrees. I remember last year and how we had 30+ degrees. Dreading that happening again this year. I try to drink water but not too much otherwise I get bloated. I suffer from IBS, pretty chronic most of the time so it isn't always easy to just drink because I get a lot of stomach cramps which stress contributes towards. I wish it was the winter again... I personally prefer the cooler weather.

  • Although it has been a bit a chilly at the moment I like the sunny days when it is not too hot. The cool nights have been good for sleeping too. Not looking forward to the higher temperatures and high humidity. Around 20 degrees is my pleasant temperature.

  • Although it has been a bit a chilly at the moment I like the sunny days when it is not too hot. The cool nights have been good for sleeping too. Not looking forward to the higher temperatures and high humidity. Around 20 degrees is my pleasant temperature.

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