Birdwatching in the garden

Sharing this on here because I know there are other birdwatchers around, just had a great spotted woodpecker on my bird feeders in my back garden! Had my binoculars next to me so got a good look Heart eyes

  • I had a flock of blackbirds (about four and twenty I think) descend onto my garden the other evening.

    The grass was at just the right length - recently cut but with enough regrowth to give them a good tradeoff between visibility and cover, and I think that's what they liked. I watched them do their thing for ages - hopping about between the grass, the ivy covered bordering wall, and the apple tree. It felt nice to have been chosen. Well, that my garden was.   

  • I like blackbirds. They look spooky especially when they are in and on old buildings.

  • We had a blackbird nest in our garden and I was very sad the other week that a magpie raided it and took the chicks. 

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