Autistic memes.

Has anyone actually ever heard of this meme I posted in the link? does anyone have any other autistic related memes  to share?

  • Whats DID & OSDD, ASPD, ABI, Misophonia, and HPD?

    Would c-ptsd be an acquired neurodivergence?

  • Whats DID & OSDD, ASPD, ABI, Misophonia, and HPD?

    DID = Dissociative Identity 

    OSDD - Otherwise specified Dissociative Identity 

    ASPD - Anti Social Personality

    ABI - Acquired Brain Injury 

    Misophonia- extreme distress or anger when hearing everyday sounds including chewing and breathing etc..

    HPD - Histrionic Personality 

    Would c-ptsd be an acquired neurodivergence?

    Yes absolutely as the brain changes in functionality and wiring due to traumatic experiences.

  • Thanks for educating me Frozen.  You write clearly and my opinion.

  • Cant, but thanks

    All I was saying anyway was just I made a somewhat imaginary scenario of someone with c-ptsd and how they can fit every diagnostic criteria in the DSM5. Course the only problem with them meeting the criteria is that the traits werent present in early childhood and the causes are different. But I think it would be quite possible to work around that.

    Ive heard from other people that they were able to still get evaluated even without people who knew them from childhood (maybe their parents died, or are unable to recall memories, or refuse to help because maybe they are ableist). So someone who perhaps had an abusive parent growing up, and it caused complex trauma, would most likely only recall moments with those traumas, and may not have a good picture on what they were like previously.

    Then also not having c-ptsd widely talked about could result in the person seeing traits in themself but not realising its cause. Ex: they have trouble processing emotions but they dont know it was because of being emotionally abused, but they recognise that as a potential sign of autism

    My long description with the DSM and backstory would make it have more sense but I suppose this discussion doesnt really matter all that much

  • Yes I think you need to create an account. Alternatively, you can use the Proboards phone app to access the forum:

  • Uh I seem to only be able to reply to threads

    I might need to have an account to make one, but that feature is blocked because of my school computer

  • Either ‘ I am multiply neurodivergent! Co-occurring experiences’, or Autistic discovery and experience education.

    To post just click on your preferred sub-board and then click ‘create thread.’

    I hope this helps!

  • What section would it go under?

    Also how do you post?

    Oh have I really been typing a response for an hour....

  • If you want to discuss this further why don’t you join the Autopia community?

  • Since so many autistic people experience trauma, then wouldnt it be more likely that some characteristics are seen as being autism, when its actually the trauma? 

    Well, a lot of the diagnostic criteria to be identified as autistic is actually a representation of autistic people in crisis. Therefore lots of autistics are only identified when in crisis and therefore associate significant stress with being autistic. No because autistic experience is innate neurodivergence so differences in experiences of the world are noted from birth. Obviously, many autistics are late identified but you can acquire CPTSD at any age and the trauma changes the brain wiring whereas autistics have always been and continue to be neurologically different.

  • Further more, I don’t really know how you wouldn’t be able to distinguish between autistic experience and CPTSD, there are numerous autistic experiences that are positive and regulating therefore autistic experience bears no resemblance to CPTSD. CPTSD given the cause of it is an entirely different and negative experience, which results in a hyper vigilant nervous system.

    I would think so too, but from several sources ive seen, they say it can be hard to differentiate between the two because so many symptoms overlap. 

    The hypervigilant nervous system maybe is seen as being hyper sensitive to stimuli the way alot of autists are. Anxiety and depression are common in both. Difficulty with emotions. Dissociating. Problems with relationships. 

    Theres probably more, but I think it would make sense that with similar traits like that, someone with c-ptsd could be misdiagnosed as autistic. Especially since c-ptsd isnt as well known (not even in DSM5, ive checked). The assessor may just see those symptoms as traits of asd, and the person getting assessed may not know better because having several traumatic events over time is harder to place as traumatic as like with a single big traumatic event with ptsd. 

    The only reason why C-PTSD looks similar to autism is probably because so many members of our community have experienced trauma and there are very few autistics who haven’t had traumatic experiences.

    Since so many autistic people experience trauma, then wouldnt it be more likely that some characteristics are seen as being autism, when its actually the trauma? 

    Also aspects of autistic experience include monotropic cognitive styles and our communication style bear no resemblance to CPTSD.

    Not all autistic people are monotropic. Most are but not all.

    You might be right about the communication style but I think it could appear similar especially to someone who didnt know the person when they were younger.

    Im not trying to say autism and c-ptsd are the same because I know they are not. Im just wondering if professionals could misinterpret signs due to limited knowledge. 

  • Wait if thats ND then that means my one friend I have left who isnt ND actually is 

    Yes absolutely! Neurodivergent refers to anyone whose brain diverges from neurotypical expectations and expectations. The reason why people don’t sometimes understand that they could also be neurodivergent is because usually neurodivergent is used to only refer to autistic/ADHDers which is wrong and reductionist.

    Ive heard that c-ptsd can look similar to autism, but autism can be seen in early life while c-ptsd develops later. But some autism will not be notable until societal expectations increase. So how could someone know if its autism or c-ptsd? Unless there are differences in traits that I just havent heard about, or maybe the reasoning behind the traits? But then what about if someone has both?

    Firstly being autistic is very different to experiencing C-PTSD. The only reason why C-PTSD looks similar to autism is probably because so many members of our community have experienced trauma and there are very few autistics who haven’t had traumatic experiences.

    Further more, I don’t really know how you wouldn’t be able to distinguish between autistic experience and CPTSD, there are numerous autistic experiences that are positive and regulating therefore autistic experience bears no resemblance to CPTSD. CPTSD given the cause of it is an entirely different and negative experience, which results in a hyper vigilant nervous system.

    However I do understand that some autistics can experience a state of chronic overwhelm/burnout.

    Being autistic is an innate form of neurodivergence whereas CPTSD is an acquired form of neurodivergence due to significant trauma. Also aspects of autistic experience include monotropic cognitive styles and our communication style bear no resemblance to CPTSD.

     I hope you understand what I am aiming to convey.

  • Misophonia- extreme distress or anger when hearing everyday sounds including chewing and breathing etc..

    Wait if thats ND then that means my one friend I have left who isnt ND actually is Astonished

    Ive heard that c-ptsd can look similar to autism, but autism can be seen in early life while c-ptsd develops later. But some autism will not be notable until societal expectations increase. So how could someone know if its autism or c-ptsd? Unless there are differences in traits that I just havent heard about, or maybe the reasoning behind the traits? But then what about if someone has both?

  • Misophonia- extreme distress or anger when hearing everyday sounds including chewing and breathing etc..

    Wait if thats ND then that means my one friend I have left who isnt ND actually is Astonished

    Ive heard that c-ptsd can look similar to autism, but autism can be seen in early life while c-ptsd develops later. But some autism will not be notable until societal expectations increase. So how could someone know if its autism or c-ptsd? Unless there are differences in traits that I just havent heard about, or maybe the reasoning behind the traits? But then what about if someone has both?

  • Thanks for educating me Frozen.  You write clearly and my opinion.

  • Cant, but thanks

    All I was saying anyway was just I made a somewhat imaginary scenario of someone with c-ptsd and how they can fit every diagnostic criteria in the DSM5. Course the only problem with them meeting the criteria is that the traits werent present in early childhood and the causes are different. But I think it would be quite possible to work around that.

    Ive heard from other people that they were able to still get evaluated even without people who knew them from childhood (maybe their parents died, or are unable to recall memories, or refuse to help because maybe they are ableist). So someone who perhaps had an abusive parent growing up, and it caused complex trauma, would most likely only recall moments with those traumas, and may not have a good picture on what they were like previously.

    Then also not having c-ptsd widely talked about could result in the person seeing traits in themself but not realising its cause. Ex: they have trouble processing emotions but they dont know it was because of being emotionally abused, but they recognise that as a potential sign of autism

    My long description with the DSM and backstory would make it have more sense but I suppose this discussion doesnt really matter all that much

  • Yes I think you need to create an account. Alternatively, you can use the Proboards phone app to access the forum:

  • Uh I seem to only be able to reply to threads

    I might need to have an account to make one, but that feature is blocked because of my school computer

  • Either ‘ I am multiply neurodivergent! Co-occurring experiences’, or Autistic discovery and experience education.

    To post just click on your preferred sub-board and then click ‘create thread.’

    I hope this helps!

  • What section would it go under?

    Also how do you post?

    Oh have I really been typing a response for an hour....

  • If you want to discuss this further why don’t you join the Autopia community?

  • Since so many autistic people experience trauma, then wouldnt it be more likely that some characteristics are seen as being autism, when its actually the trauma? 

    Well, a lot of the diagnostic criteria to be identified as autistic is actually a representation of autistic people in crisis. Therefore lots of autistics are only identified when in crisis and therefore associate significant stress with being autistic. No because autistic experience is innate neurodivergence so differences in experiences of the world are noted from birth. Obviously, many autistics are late identified but you can acquire CPTSD at any age and the trauma changes the brain wiring whereas autistics have always been and continue to be neurologically different.

  • Further more, I don’t really know how you wouldn’t be able to distinguish between autistic experience and CPTSD, there are numerous autistic experiences that are positive and regulating therefore autistic experience bears no resemblance to CPTSD. CPTSD given the cause of it is an entirely different and negative experience, which results in a hyper vigilant nervous system.

    I would think so too, but from several sources ive seen, they say it can be hard to differentiate between the two because so many symptoms overlap. 

    The hypervigilant nervous system maybe is seen as being hyper sensitive to stimuli the way alot of autists are. Anxiety and depression are common in both. Difficulty with emotions. Dissociating. Problems with relationships. 

    Theres probably more, but I think it would make sense that with similar traits like that, someone with c-ptsd could be misdiagnosed as autistic. Especially since c-ptsd isnt as well known (not even in DSM5, ive checked). The assessor may just see those symptoms as traits of asd, and the person getting assessed may not know better because having several traumatic events over time is harder to place as traumatic as like with a single big traumatic event with ptsd. 

    The only reason why C-PTSD looks similar to autism is probably because so many members of our community have experienced trauma and there are very few autistics who haven’t had traumatic experiences.

    Since so many autistic people experience trauma, then wouldnt it be more likely that some characteristics are seen as being autism, when its actually the trauma? 

    Also aspects of autistic experience include monotropic cognitive styles and our communication style bear no resemblance to CPTSD.

    Not all autistic people are monotropic. Most are but not all.

    You might be right about the communication style but I think it could appear similar especially to someone who didnt know the person when they were younger.

    Im not trying to say autism and c-ptsd are the same because I know they are not. Im just wondering if professionals could misinterpret signs due to limited knowledge. 

  • Wait if thats ND then that means my one friend I have left who isnt ND actually is 

    Yes absolutely! Neurodivergent refers to anyone whose brain diverges from neurotypical expectations and expectations. The reason why people don’t sometimes understand that they could also be neurodivergent is because usually neurodivergent is used to only refer to autistic/ADHDers which is wrong and reductionist.

    Ive heard that c-ptsd can look similar to autism, but autism can be seen in early life while c-ptsd develops later. But some autism will not be notable until societal expectations increase. So how could someone know if its autism or c-ptsd? Unless there are differences in traits that I just havent heard about, or maybe the reasoning behind the traits? But then what about if someone has both?

    Firstly being autistic is very different to experiencing C-PTSD. The only reason why C-PTSD looks similar to autism is probably because so many members of our community have experienced trauma and there are very few autistics who haven’t had traumatic experiences.

    Further more, I don’t really know how you wouldn’t be able to distinguish between autistic experience and CPTSD, there are numerous autistic experiences that are positive and regulating therefore autistic experience bears no resemblance to CPTSD. CPTSD given the cause of it is an entirely different and negative experience, which results in a hyper vigilant nervous system.

    However I do understand that some autistics can experience a state of chronic overwhelm/burnout.

    Being autistic is an innate form of neurodivergence whereas CPTSD is an acquired form of neurodivergence due to significant trauma. Also aspects of autistic experience include monotropic cognitive styles and our communication style bear no resemblance to CPTSD.

     I hope you understand what I am aiming to convey.