Fav Quotes

Do you have any fav quotes? Feel free to share them here Grinning 

I love quotes! Some can be really inspiring and life changing.

Here's one of my favs I try to live my life by Slight smile 

"If you look to others for fulfillment, you will never be fulfilled. If your happiness depends on money, you will never be happy with yourself. Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the world belongs to you." — Lao Tzu.

  • I have a head full of quotes, lots of Shakespeare I had to learn for 'A' Level English Lit, but also poetry that just stays in my head.

    So, this is part of a poem by Branwell Bronte that is true, but also poignant, as he died at 31.

    'So seize we the present,
    And gather its flowers,
    For – mournful or pleasant –
    ‘Tis all that is ours;
    While daylight we’re wasting.
    The evening is hasting,
    And night follows fast on vanishing hours.'

  • I have a head full of quotes, lots of Shakespeare I had to learn for 'A' Level English Lit, but also poetry that just stays in my head.

    So, this is part of a poem by Branwell Bronte that is true, but also poignant, as he died at 31.

    'So seize we the present,
    And gather its flowers,
    For – mournful or pleasant –
    ‘Tis all that is ours;
    While daylight we’re wasting.
    The evening is hasting,
    And night follows fast on vanishing hours.'

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