Technology how has it help you?

I have an iPhone 14 pro max, Apple Watch SE, and an iPad. All three are useful tools for instance setting reminders to take my meds, doctor appointments, zoom meetings, etc.  how has technology help you?

    • Shopping online - lifesaver because I'm too anxious to go in to shops half the time now.
    • Phones and Internet - allow me to keep in touch with family and talk here. Also reminders on my phone and Google maps so I can never get myself lost.
    • Music and headphones - music puts me at ease keeps me calm and with headphones I can listen to it almost anywhere.
    • Shopping online - lifesaver because I'm too anxious to go in to shops half the time now.
    • Phones and Internet - allow me to keep in touch with family and talk here. Also reminders on my phone and Google maps so I can never get myself lost.
    • Music and headphones - music puts me at ease keeps me calm and with headphones I can listen to it almost anywhere.
  • As of Jan 2024, I still have an iPhone 12 Pro because of the Irish governments vaccine passports during Covid and I had to get an iPad Pro for an online course during Covid - before Covid, I had a “brick” phone, but even then, before my diagnosis, I considered getting rid of all my tech devices because of everyone else’s disapproval of my having a phone or being online at all, yet in the last 30 years, especially during Covid, we now live in a world where we have gradually become way too dependent on being online and having mobile phones, as everything has been almost entirely moved online, so we have effectively been forced to be online - the odd thing was that during Covid, because Rural Broadband, along with phone lines and mobile coverage was so bad and was not fully implemented in some parts of Rural Ireland, it became very difficult to contact some family members in Ireland from here in the U.K. - with being online, we also have to contend with issues of online safety, privacy, monitoring, spying, online fraud and censorship, especially during Covid and these issues are going to get worse with advances and “improvements” in technology - in my teens in the 1980’s, I embraced it despite my grandparents warnings, as they knew what it would lead to, but now that I’m 53, I’m totally against all of it, especially around children