Wedding Anxieties


I'm getting married in June and I think the anxiety is going to kill me. I suffer from horrific anxiety and it's causing me so much grief. I get physical pain from it and have been hospitalised twice because of the pain, really embarrassing but the doctors and nurses are always more than understanding. The wedding will be full of family, probably really loud. I'm terrified. My partner is so understanding. He's already offered to push the date back until I'm ready but I think this will always be a problem for me! 

If you've been married how did you cope and get through the wedding? My brain is all over the place, so many thoughts and worries all the time. I only got 3hrs sleep last night and I've got work tomorrow. *sobs*

I'm worried about my dress as well. I've gone for a vintage one as I thought it looks gorgeous and it was cheaper than a lot of others I looked at. I'm worried my mum will disapprove of this.

So many worries, so much stress. I wish I could hibernate and forget life for a while.

  • Something that I feel is worth remembering is that as this will be YOUR wedding (yours and your partner's), it shouldn't really matter what anyone else (including your mother) thinks of your wedding dress, or anything else. Whilst I can understand you possibly wanting your mother's approval, she's not the one who will be wearing the wedding dress. As long as you like it and feel amazing in it, that's all that really matters.

    With weddings, I think it is all too easy for family members and friends to interfere and dictate. It's your wedding, so it should be you and your partner who get to make all the decisions about it.

  • Thank you. 

    I know your right! It's mad. Our wedding but suddenly everyone is putting in their input, especially parents, his as well as mine. 

    I'll be glad when the big day has been and gone. Definitely not going to be a fun day for me. Did a blood pressure check tonight and it's very high, so now sat cuddling Matthew and listening to music.

    He's going to have a word with everyone and tell them we're doing things our way so there's less stress.

  • Thank you. 

    I know your right! It's mad. Our wedding but suddenly everyone is putting in their input, especially parents, his as well as mine. 

    I'll be glad when the big day has been and gone. Definitely not going to be a fun day for me. Did a blood pressure check tonight and it's very high, so now sat cuddling Matthew and listening to music.

    He's going to have a word with everyone and tell them we're doing things our way so there's less stress.

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