Wedding Anxieties


I'm getting married in June and I think the anxiety is going to kill me. I suffer from horrific anxiety and it's causing me so much grief. I get physical pain from it and have been hospitalised twice because of the pain, really embarrassing but the doctors and nurses are always more than understanding. The wedding will be full of family, probably really loud. I'm terrified. My partner is so understanding. He's already offered to push the date back until I'm ready but I think this will always be a problem for me! 

If you've been married how did you cope and get through the wedding? My brain is all over the place, so many thoughts and worries all the time. I only got 3hrs sleep last night and I've got work tomorrow. *sobs*

I'm worried about my dress as well. I've gone for a vintage one as I thought it looks gorgeous and it was cheaper than a lot of others I looked at. I'm worried my mum will disapprove of this.

So many worries, so much stress. I wish I could hibernate and forget life for a while.

  • I can relate to this. I put off my wedding for over a year, I had no doubts about marrying my wife, I knew almost as soon as I met her, but I just couldn't face a wedding. It is all our social anxieties turned into one big event.

    I don't suppose you and your fiancee could just elope together and get married in a registery office without anyone else there? that would be good but guessing from your post it's not an option 

    Try and keep the guest list as small as possible. Ours was only 16 and that helped a bit
    Failing that, just remember once that one day is over you will be married to the person you love and you will never have to go through another wedding day again, it will be all over. 

    I didnt particularly enjoy my wedding day, I dont have a lot of happy memories from it but I got through it and I love my marraige. It may be the same for you 

  • I'm the exact same, no doubts about marrying him and our future together, we're the perfect couple a match made in heaven but the anxiety is over the day in question.

    I really want to put it off and then I could worry about it later but I know if I do that I'll just keep putting it off.

    It's got to be the date chosen but I'm terrified. I think I'll be like you, be happy after but not enjoy the day.

  • I'm the exact same, no doubts about marrying him and our future together, we're the perfect couple a match made in heaven but the anxiety is over the day in question.

    I really want to put it off and then I could worry about it later but I know if I do that I'll just keep putting it off.

    It's got to be the date chosen but I'm terrified. I think I'll be like you, be happy after but not enjoy the day.

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