Does anybody have a food they can't stand?

I've never been able to tolerate eggs, partiularly egg white. And even the thought of fried eggs makes me feel sick!!!

As a child I felt pretty queasy about hot milk and cheese too, though I enjoy cheese now. My other used to fry a lot of things in lard, and I couldn't stand that either, and as mine were born in the 30's there wasn't much patience for any of this kind of finickiness.

Sometimes there are supermarkets that fry food here too. When that it is full swing, it can be very hard not to retch. 

    • So many. Ok to start with I don’t eat white meat. When I read meat I have to have it well done. Preferably with as little seasoning as possible and definitely no gooey sauces or any kind of mayonnaise or similar condiment. preferably lean too. I only eat certain kinds of cheese and only ever hard never melted.

    I don’t like tomatoes I don’t like garlic I don’t like onions I don’t like avocados I don’t like bananas I really don’t like anything with a kind of mushy gooie texture or any kind of unusually spicy flavour.

    I wouldn’t eat most cooked meat dishes . stews broth’s lasagna’s shepherds pies anything of that sort. I don’t even really like brown bread because I find the bits in the bread and the general coarseness of it irritating.

    I won’t eat anything spicy which makes curry and a lot of other foreign meals right out. I won’t really eat soup because it’s typically kind of gooey like tomato soup or watery but with strong herbal spicy flavours. I won’t have gravy on food because it’s too sticky. I won’t drink milk shakes because they’re too gooey.

    You might be tempted to think I don’t eat anything at all but actually I’ve got quite a lot of healthy food I will quite willingly eat. oranges lemons apples pears raw fruit, raw veg, lettuce carrots A lot of leafy vegetables cabbage broccoli. Generally speaking with me as soon as you start cooking vegetables and fruit but everything seems to go wrong. If in doubt fry it that always seems to go alright. I like crunchy and crispy textures after all.

    actually I used to eat quite a lot of things that weren’t food when I was young. wood, leather that sort of thing.

    I tend to avoid any kind of bitter food or drink which includes coffee and tea, and alcohol for that matter usually. The things that always seem to shock people as I don’t drink tea, coffee, milkshakes and I don’t eat pizzas. People seem to think that everybody loves pizzas but I do not like melted cheese and tomatoes which is fairly fundamental to the mix.

    In theory I do eat pasta but in practice I never do because I will not have most of the things that are put on pasta that’s pretty much intolerable for me things like tomato Bolognese or sauce or anything like that.

  • It’s like the fruit there’s a very subtle Boundry between where things are too gooey and okay and acceptable.

    so fruit like nectarines and peaches and plums are just the right side of the gooy line as is honeydew melon. and in contrast watermelon and avocados and mangoes and that sort of thing is on the wrong side of the gooy line

  • That all seemed fine to me until I read 'avocados' and 'mangoes'. Sorry, but, urgh! Nauseated face

  • and if you misunderstood imagine trying to explain this for someone who's insistent that they want to cook for you.

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